Eva NYC hair care outlines 4-year sustainability plan

image.png Sustainability has become a driving force for brands to keep up with consumer values this year, and many have pushed themselves to make massive strides in a short amount of time. On Friday, mass hair care brand Eva NYC launched a partnership with TerraCycle, with a website relaunch Thursday designed to promote the brand’s ongoing sustainability initiatives. Those plans include moving to 100% recyclable packaging and green energy in the brand’s two New Jersey warehouses by 2021, then switching to a mix of post-consumer recycled plastic and non-plastics in 2022, and achieving B-Corp certification by 2024, among other goals. Overall, Eva NYC has invested $2.9 million in sustainability to date, starting in 2018, with another $2 million planned in the next two years as part of its goal to receive B-Corp certification.
“We want people to know that we are credible in this space and that it’s not something we are doing as a greenwashing movement,” said Jane Moran, Eva NYC brand vp. “Our customers, who are both young and older millennials, are looking for the same traits in beauty products: [they need to be] fun, affordable and effective. But, now there’s a lifestyle change where people want clean and sustainable beauty, as well.”
The 8-year-old brand sells through retailers including Target, Ulta and Sally Beauty. It experienced  22% year-over-year total sales growth in 2020, according to Moran. She declined to state overall revenue, but a 2017 WWD article speculated the brand would earn between $45 million and $60 million that year. Prices for its hair care products range from $9 to $15. Gina Herrera, TerraCycle senior director of brand partnerships, said Eva NYC is covering all of the costs for recycling, which is traditionally how its partnerships operate. Through a link on Eva NYC’s website, customers request postage from TerraCycle in order to send their products to the recycling company, which Eva NYC covers, along with the costs associated with breaking down the plastic into a reusable material. Both Eva NYC and Terracycle declined to comment on exact investment costs, citing they can fluctuate month to month based on return volume. Eva NYC does expect its investment to increase every year. Moran said Eva NYC is still figuring out how it wants to use the post-consumer recycled materials, based on volume. Some solutions include making it into reusable bags for products or park benches. Herrera said there are a few main reasons brands partner with TerraCycle. The primary motivating factor is reducing waste, followed by backing more meaningful marketing and customer engagement. TerraCycle has become a de facto first step for brands looking to become sustainable. In 2020, its notable new beauty partners included Boscia, C’est Moi and Living Proof. “It allows brands to lean into authenticity,” she said. “Brands can use TerraCycle as a tool of engagement with consumers to discuss their sustainability platform or stance, or in a social media space to engage customers through a collection contest or in an [e-commerce] loyalty program.” The new website that launches Thursday features a landing page about the TerraCycle partnership and the “four easy steps” for how to recycle products. It includes a link out to TerraCycle.com. Eva NYC has also emailed customers over the last three months to ask them to save their empty containers in preparation for the TerraCycle partnership. As Eva NYC presses forward with its 2021 plans, it is looking to add TerraCycle recycling information to all packaging starting with QR codes, Moran said. “We need to be as clear as possible and as concise as possible by using language that the consumer really understands,” said Moran. The next step for Eva NYC is adding solar-powered energy and storage systems to its Pennsauken, New Jersey warehouse. It will use $1.2 million in government incentives to build and is anticipated to save the brand $50,000 on its electricity bill in the first year, according to Moran. The gross cost of the solar panels is $683,340 and the gross cost of the solar energy battery is $248,750.

Illycaffè Has Partnered with TerraCycle for a New Eco Initiative

image.png Individual coffee pods and capsules are convenient but have come under increased scrutiny due to their disposable nature, so Illycaffè and TerraCycle have partnered to create a new coffee capsule recycling program to help change this. The program has been launched in the UK, France, Spain, Austria, The Netherlands and Belgium, and will allow consumers to send in their used pods for recycling or drop them off at a designated location. The capsules will be recycled into construction materials or even outdoor furniture, while the coffee ground will be sent to a composting plant. CEO of Illycaffè Massimiliano Pogliani explained more on the coffee capsule recycling program partnership saying, "We want to offer our customers the opportunity of making a cup of espresso at home using environmentally friendly capsules. For this reason, together with TerraCycle, we developed a circular economy programme that allows us to collect and give new life to both plastic and aluminum capsules, without any additional costs or hassle for consumers; we will take care of the entire process together with our partner.” Image Credit: Illy image.png

Dryden School District wins recycled-based garden

Green Team co-advisors Kate McKee (furthest left) and JoAnne Anderson (middle) pose with some of the elementary school students in the sustainability club.
(Photo: Kate McKee) Late last month, TerraCycle, a private waste management company, announced that the Dryden Central School District will be receiving materials partially made out of recycled oral hygiene products to build a new school garden after the school district finished in second place in the 2020 Colgate & ShopRite Save Water Challenge. The contest ran from July 5 to Sept. 30 and was open to all schools – public, private, colleges and universities – from the following states – New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Entrants were challenged to gather the most “pledges” to save water from their respective communities. The top three schools with the most pledges won a prize of a garden partly made with recycled materials. A total of 40 schools participated in the contest. Dryden was one of seven districts in New York to compete and was the only one to finish in the top three. The district gathered a total of 1,488 pledges to finish in second place.
As the second-place finisher, the school district will receive the following – 48 pieces of garden lumber, two picnic tables, one flat bench, one high-back bench and recycling receptacle valued at $10,000. Kate McKee, a teacher at the Dryden Elementary School and a co-advisor of the Green Team, a sustainability club made up of about 25 students across the fourth and fifth grades, said she decided to enter the school district into the contest in hopes of winning a new garden for the elementary school. “I knew that our school garden was seriously hurting,” McKee said. “It’s been a few years until there was a lot of involvement. The raised beds were falling apart and needed to be replaced, and it was something that we wanted to have happen this year or some time.” The news of the district coming in second place was quite a surprise to McKee. “When you look through there are some from New York City, some in Baltimore, all over big, big school districts,” she said. “We are a very small school district compared to that. On the first day, I saw that we were up on the leaderboard and I was like, ‘Wow.’ But then as it went on and we really sustained that and kept that place, it was really exciting; it was something for the school community – the district community – to look forward to.” The Green Team began collaborating with TerraCycle last school year by shipping out waste, such as used applesauce pouches and Little Bites muffin packages, to the company to either recycle or repurpose them. “Last year, our fourth and fifth graders, they were assigned to lunchtime cafeteria duties that they volunteered for and they would actually pick through – with gloves on – and pick out of the garbage things that would typically be trash, but that TerraCycle has the facilities and the ability to recycle and repurpose into other things or create something new out of that,” McKee said. TerraCycle also accepts used art supplies, like dried-up markers or glue sticks. McKee said last school year the team sent out separate shipments of 477 and 1,143 pieces of used art supplies to TerraCycle. The elementary school is expected to receive the gardening materials by February 2021. From there, McKee said she hopes to have the new garden completed by the spring of that year. “I think all of the pieces are going to have to replace what’s there,” she said. “There’s little that’s in good shape right now. … I’m trying to figure out where a good place is to utilize the picnic tables and benches so that the whole school can enjoy them.” She said there are no official plans for how the garden will be utilized among the students at the school. “I’m hopeful that we can have different grade levels become involved in different ways that are possibly connected to their curriculum, and hopefully we can actually grow some food that could be utilized by the school community, too,” she said. “We’ll definitely have to do some planning and connect with some community resources to get set up with that.” She would also like to have members of the Green Team help construct the new garden, but that will depend on the status of the COVID-19 outbreak this coming winter and spring. Presently, though, members of the team are eager to begin preparation. “I do a recess with some fifth graders that are on the Green Team and they are already starting to do some weeding … they are very excited for it,” McKee said.

Où en est le recyclage des masques en France ?

En attendant des solutions à grande échelle capables de capter des flux devenus vertigineux, le recyclage de ces déchets infectieux se développe localement sur le territoire.

On les retrouve désormais partout, des trottoirs aux fonds des océans. Dès la première vague de l’épidémie, la question de la fin de vie des masques sanitaires jetables s’est posée. Depuis, l’augmentation massive de leur production (50 millions par semaine au mois d’août, selon la ministre déléguée à l’Industrie, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, qui prévoit de doubler ce nombre d’ici au mois de décembre) n’a cessé de démultiplier leur impact environnemental. En amont tout d’abord, puisqu’«une fabrication accrue met une pression sur l’énergie et leau, en plus de puiser du pétrole. Les masques sont fabriqués en propylène, qui est un dérivé du pétrole», indique Moïra Tourneur, responsable du plaidoyer chez Zero Waste France. Et en aval parce que les masques «ne se dégradent pas facilement dans lenvironnement» et vont «disséminer des microplastiques dans la nature».

Incentivizing recycled materials puts this shoe startup a step ahead

image.png The startup shoe retailer, Thousand Fell, has a line of classic white lace-up and slip-on shoes. Based in New York City, the company was launched by Founders Chloe Songer and Stuart Ahlum last year. But, the brand isn’t just a regular sneaker company. It’s a full-circle economy shoe company that’s creating zero-waste footwear. According to the company’s website, about 2.4 billion pairs of shoes are sold in the U.S. every year. As many as 97 percent of all shoes will end up in a landfill each year. It takes leather soles about 40 years to decompose in the landfill, and rubber soles take twice as long to decompose. Thousand Fell recognizes that waste is a huge environmental issue and wants to be a part of the solution with its biodegradable footwear line. The company’s shoes are all made with materials that can either be “biodegraded, recycled to make new shoes, or upcycled into materials for new projects.” The company uses items like recycled rubbers and bottles to make soles, leather-like uppers, and next generation laces. Other ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut husks, and sugar cane are also used to offer a soft-touch feel, stability, support, and comfort. Thousand Fell’s mission is to be sustainable and to never send another sneaker to the landfill. And to get there, it’s incentivizing its customers to recycle their purchased products. When you’ve worn out your shoes, or simply don’t want them anymore, you can return your shoes to Thousand Fell at no cost. “Thousand Fell owns the material feeds and covers the cost of recycling, as well as the resale or reintegration of recycled material back into new shoes and the issuance of the $20 recycling cash that is sent back to the consumer once they recycle,” wrote Ahlum in an email to TechCrunch. In partnership with TerraCycle, customers can easily recycle their purchased products through the company’s “Thousand Fell Recycling Program”. All you have to do is place your shoes in any box you have. You create an account, request a prepaid UPS shipping label, print it, and affix it to the box. Then, you can mail them via UPS. Once your shoes are scanned for return, you’ll receive $20 that can be applied to your next Thousand Fell order. When the company receives the shoes, they are catalogued, sorted, and broken down to be used to make raw recycled materials “We create sneakers with a life cycle you can follow—and feel good about,” the company’s website states. By taking a step forward to create a zero-waste product that can be used and reused to create a new one, Thousand Fell is going full-circle and doing just that.

Loop’s Sustainable Packaging Concept Now Spans the United States

TerraCycle’s milkman-like delivery model, Loop, expands online and at brick-and-mortar locations. Kate Bertrand Connolly 1 | Nov 04, 2020 Following a successful pilot program that started in 2019, the Loop circular shopping platform from TerraCycle has expanded its online operation to provide an unlimited number of US consumers from coast to coast with home delivery of products packed in reusable packaging, as well as pickup of the empty packages. Loop also made its brick-and-mortar debut recently, in France. “Carrefour just brought Loop into its first store,” says Eric Rosen, publicist, US public relations, for Loop/TerraCycle. “We anticipate Loop being in-store in other retailers in 2021.” Carrefour’s online Loop service launched in Paris last year. Following a successful pilot program that started in 2019, the Loop circular shopping platform from TerraCycle has expanded its online operation to provide an unlimited number of US consumers from coast to coast with home delivery of products packed in reusable packaging, as well as pickup of the empty packages. Loop also made its brick-and-mortar debut recently, in France. “Carrefour just brought Loop into its first store,” says Eric Rosen, publicist, US public relations, for Loop/TerraCycle. “We anticipate Loop being in-store in other retailers in 2021.” Carrefour’s online Loop service launched in Paris last year. In the United States, consumers will find Loop products at Kroger stores starting in 2021. Also in North America, Burger King and Tim Hortons restaurants plan to launch Loop pilot projects next year. Loop’s online scale-up coincides with an explosion in internet shopping and home delivery fueled by the COVID-19 virus, though it’s also a natural next step considering the success of the pilot program. More than 100,000 people have signed up for the service to date. With the online version of Loop, consumers buy products that have been filled into reusable packaging made, for example, of metal or glass. They then return the empty packages to Loop, which cleans the packages for refilling by Loop’s brand partners. Loop packs consumer orders into reusable totes for delivery, and consumers return the empty packaging to Loop using the same totes. Loop products are packed and shipped from the company’s New Jersey warehouse to all US ZIP codes. (Frozen products are only shipped to locations where delivery can be made within 24 hours.) The platform launched in 2019 as a pilot program in the Mid-Atlantic United States and Paris, France. In July 2020, Loop launched online in the United Kingdom, working in partnership with retailer Tesco. A Canadian online launch is planned for Toronto in February 2021. Loop has expanded rapidly vis-à-vis brand partners and product selection, now offering more than 80 brands and 400 products in the United States and Europe. Product categories include grocery, beauty, health and personal care, and household essentials. Brand owners range from giants like Nestlé and Procter & Gamble to start-ups like Soapply. Next year will be an important one for Loop in brick-and-mortar restaurants and stores. Burger King plans to start a pilot Loop program in 2021 that will offer eat-in and to-go customers sandwiches and drinks packed in returnable, reusable food containers and cups. Consumers who choose the reusable packaging will pay a deposit when they place their order and get the deposit back after returning the packaging to Burger King. The pilot will start in select Burger King restaurants in New York City; Portland, Oregon; and Tokyo, with additional cities to join in the months that follow. Canada’s Tim Hortons quick-service restaurant chain has announced a similar Loop pilot. The program will start in 2021 at select Tim Hortons restaurants in Toronto. Also starting next year, US consumers will be able to visit Loop in-store at select Kroger locations. The plan for Loop in brick-and-mortar stores is not only to sell Loop products but also to collect the empty packaging for cleaning and reuse. Loop publicist Rosen discusses the program’s burgeoning expansion, both online and in-store, in this exclusive Packaging Digest Q&A. How many brick-and-mortar retailers in the United States will be selling Loop products in 2021? Is this a channel Loop is interested in exploring further? What have consumers said about their willingness (or not) to take empty packages back to a physical store? Rosen: As of now, in the United States, there will be one brick-and-mortar retailer, Kroger, selling Loop products in-store in 2021. There are, however, many retailers who are and will be integrating Loop into their ecommerce platforms. Yes, [in-store] is a channel Loop is pursuing and will continue to pursue. In fact, Loop just opened in its first brick-and-mortar retailer — Carrefour in France. As for consumers’ willingness to take empties back to a physical store, while we haven’t surveyed consumers, we believe returning empty packaging will be embraced. When will Loop be expanding into additional markets in Europe and Asia, either online or via brick-and-mortar stores? Rosen: Loop will be launching in Canada, Australia, and Japan in 2021. We will continue to seek opportunities to launch in other countries and will be announcing more as we solidify plans. How will Loop, brand owners, and/or retailers educate consumers about how in-store Loop works and its benefits? Rosen: Loop, brand owners, and retailers educate consumers through websites, social media, and earned media placements in outlets worldwide.

Now that the Loop program is national in the United States, how many locations are cleaning the empty, returned packages?

Rosen: In the United States, the cleaning facility is in Pennsylvania. We will be adding facilities as we scale.

What, if anything, has changed in the logistics of the Loop program (outgoing and incoming packages)? What, if anything, has changed with the lifecycle analysis of the packages sold in the Loop program because of the additional distances?

Rosen: Nothing has changed in the logistics. Based on Loop’s third-party lifecycle analysis, creating a durable (or “reusable”) container uses more energy and resources than creating a disposable (or “single-use”) container. However, over time, the reusable container has a lower environmental and economic cost, as it does not need to be remanufactured on every use. Instead, it is transported and cleaned, which is a much lower environmental cost. According to Loop, the efficiency of a reusable package in Loop is even more evident as consumers participate repeatedly. After two to three uses of the packaging, the environmental impact is breakeven. By 10 uses, there is a more than 35% reduction in environmental impacts.

Are all products still being shipped to consumers from Loop’s New Jersey warehouse? Is that still the plan moving forward, to have just one warehouse?

Rosen: Loop’s New Jersey warehouse ships all products in the United States. As we scale, we intend to have additional warehousing in other parts of the country. The Loop warehouse in France is in Lille, and the one in the United Kingdom is in Crick.

How well are the durable packages holding up to use, cleaning, and reuse? Are the brands getting the number of uses they hoped they would?

Rosen: The durable packaging is holding up well as it goes through Loop cycles. I can’t comment on the brands, and what their expectations were/are.

Is UPS still Loop’s only partner for deliveries/pickups? Are there any plans for additional delivery services to be involved, especially as volumes and delivery areas are growing?

Rosen: Yes, Loop’s US logistics partner is UPS. In France, it’s Colisweb, and in the UK, it’s DPD. There are no plans for additional delivery services to be involved.

The allergen warning on the Loop website states: “Please note that the Loop Tote is packed in a facility that may have handled wheat, milk, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, and soy, and may contain traces of the same. If you or someone in your family has a serious food allergy, Loop may not be for you.” Are there any plans to address this, so people can safely order Loop products without worry from allergens?

Rosen: There are no current plans to address this.

Who designs the Loop packages?

Rosen: Each brand partner is responsible for the design of its packaging. All packaging must be approved by Loop.

What is the size range of Loop packages?

Rosen: The smallest container is 20 ml (less than an ounce) for Tea Tree Oil from The Body Shop. The biggest package is an 8-lb container for kitty litter from Purina.

How have consumers reacted to Loop since its launch last year?

Rosen: We have had an overwhelmingly positive response to Loop since its launch. In fact, meeting consumer demand is what led to the rapid expansion — from 10 states to every ZIP code in the contiguous 48 states. We have more than 100,000 sign-ups, and that continues to grow.    

Sustainable Beauty Awards Announces 2020 Winners

image.png The winners of the 2020 Sustainable Beauty Awards were announced today at a virtual awards ceremony. The aim of the Sustainable Beauty Awards is to give recognition to operators who are pushing the boundaries of sustainability in the beauty industry. The winners and runners-up of these international awards include: New Sustainable Product Hair O’right International (Taiwan) is the winner with its N° Zero Toothpaste. Launched in January, the natural toothpaste is carbon neutral and formulated with food-grade ingredients that are certified according to the USDA bio-based program. Faith in Nature (UK) is runner-up with its Natural Shampoo Bar. The finalists are Comfort Zone Sacred Nature Youth Serum, Martina Gebhardt SATIS Dental Teeth Cleaning Powder, and Pegada Verde lda Naua Natural Care. Sustainable Ingredient The winner is Actera Ingredients (USA) with ILOX+. The natural antioxidant ingredient is made from yerba mate leaves which are ethically sourced from the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. The company works with the Araucária+ Initiative to ensure sustainable forest management. There are two runner-ups this year: Mibelle Biochemistry (Switzerland) with Black BeeOme and ROELMI HPC (Italy) with Emotion Light. The finalists are Döhler YuraQ, Olvea TrueShea, and Swedish Algae Factory Algica. Sustainable Packaging Lush (UK) gets top award for its Cork Pots carbon-positive packaging. Sourced from the Cork Oak Forest in Portugal, the project has involved the replanting of over 20,000 native trees. The innovative packaging is used for its naked products, such as shampoo bars, conditioners, soaps, etc. Myro (USA) is the runner-up. In 2018, the company introduced its natural deodorants in refillable pods. OLIKA, REN Clean Skincare, and Weckerle Cosmetics are the finalists. Sustainability Pioneer TerraCycle (USA) is the winner for its innovative approaches to removing waste. It is setting up recycling bins for personal care products, recycling waste materials, and launched the Loop shopping platform to help create a circular economy. Hair O'right International (Taiwan) is runner-up. It is the first Taiwanese company to carry the carbon footprint and carbon neutral labels. Clariant, LMR Naturals by IFF, and Liv Trading are the finalists. Sustainability Leadership AAK Personal Care (Sweden) and Lush (UK) are joint winners. AAK Personal Care has set up sustainable supply chains for its raw materials, including shea butter in West Africa. The projects are helping improving the lives of smallholders. Since it was formed in 1995, Lush has been spearheading green initiatives in the beauty industry. From the ethical sourcing of raw materials, production processes, (Naked) packaging initiative, to waste management. Croda International (UK) is the runner-up. Other finalists are Aveda and Hair O'right International. “There was an exceptionally high caliber of entries this year,” commented Amarjit Sahota, founder of Ecovia Intelligence and organizer of the Sustainable Beauty Awards. “On behalf of the judging panel, I would like to congratulate Lush, Hair o’Right, Actera Ingredients, TerraCycle and AAK Personal Care for their achievements. We hope these awards inspire more companies to take the green road.”

Reusable Packaging Scales Up Despite 2020 Challenges

Economic and environmental support continues for Loop, the shopping platform built around reusable packaging, even during uncertainties of the COVID-19 global pandemic. And its founder contemplates a future that might even leverage Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.
Lisa McTigue Pierce | Nov 04, 2020 The Loop reusable packaging initiative, while still not fully self-supporting, is advancing globally online and in physical stores with the support of major (and minor) consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs), retailers, and other partners. The global circular shopping platform launched last year by TerraCycle.
    The Loop reusable packaging initiative, while still not fully self-supporting, is advancing globally online and in physical stores with the support of major (and minor) consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs), retailers, and other partners. The global circular shopping platform launched last year by TerraCycle.
In this 20-minute podcast, environmental visionary and TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky tackles questions from Packaging Digest Executive Editor Lisa McTigue Pierce about Loop’s recent national expansion in the US, the COVID-19 impact, his plans for the near future, and packaging lessons learned by supporting brand owners. Recorded on October 12, 2020.

Sustainable Sneaks Step Up Footwear Circularity

Newcomer Third Mind elevates men’s footwear in more ways than one; while a first-of-its-kind recycling service from Thousand Fell, TerraCycle and UPS ensures your sustainable sneaks won’t end up in a landfill.

Third Mind continues to innovate on classic men's footwear

Image credit: Third Mind Third Mind — a California-based sustainable men’s footwear brand that’s out to modernize men’s dress shoes, launched earlier this year — has already expanded its line of shoes that perform like a sneaker, look like dress shoes and don't harm the environment. Created by former Native Shoes exec Steve Hamel, the startup has introduced a penny loafer into its line of responsibly engineered lace-ups and wing tips for the holidays. The Gene loafer — named for Singing in the Rain actor Gene Kelly — is ultra-lightweight, eliminates odors, and is made from sustainable materials including:
  • Outsoles made with 30 percent recycled rubber from tires
  • Clarino® TirreninaTM — a non-woven microfiber leather that replaces animal leather and gives Third Mind shoes durability, stretch, and recovery for the ultimate shoe performance. The company says Clarino Tirrenina is used because of the solvent-free manufacturing process, reduction of water waste by 70 percent, and reduction of CO2 emissions by 35 percent
  • NatureTex® — a lining material made from 100 percent recycled water bottles. The strobel and inside board of Third Mind shoes contain 70 percent recycled materials. Of that 70 percent, 80 percent is from recycled plastic water bottles and the rest is from recycled post-industrial materials
Third Mind says it has an extensive approval process for selecting suppliers that provide parts for manufacturing — which requires fair wages, renewable energy programs, and pollution-eliminating programs. The company also conducts rigid quality-control tests on each products, including being vetted for harmful chemicals before it can be taken to market.

Thousand Fell launches sneaker-recycling program with UPS, TerraCycle

Image credit: Thousand Fell Last week, recyclable footwear brand Thousand Fell announced it had teamed up with UPS and TerraCycle on an innovative sneaker-recycling program. The launch is part of a two-year partnership between Thousand Fell and TerraCycle, which together have been working to create at-scale recycling solutions for footwear — retail’s largest waste-producing product category*. The nationwide program offers customers an easy and accessible way to recycle their sneakers — through the expansive network of UPS Store locations and UPS authorized partners such as Staples. Customers can now bring their prepaid, labeled packages containing their sneakers to any of these 14,400 locations to be shipped directly back to TerraCycle for recycling; and in exchange, Thousand Fell will issue a credit of $20 towards a future purchase. Launched last year, the New York-based brand has been a pioneer in circular footwear — by shunning leather in favor of other materials such as natural recycled rubber, castor beans, coconut husks, sugar cane and quartz for its ‘full circle footwear’ designs. Its line started with white lace-up and slip-on sneakers for men and women, which co-founder Stuart Ahlum has called the “perfect product to put on a closed-loop system.” In addition to using alternative materials, Thousand Fell has tasked itself with getting product back from customers while responsibly maintaining carbon footprint and cost, and breaking down the returned products so that the materials could be reused in new sneakers. Through this partnership, Thousand Fell is empowering customers to join them in building a zero-waste future, while giving them full visibility and the ability to track their footwear’s life cycle. Through the new program: •       Thousand Fell is using UPS’s reverse logistics program for recycling returns and freight, which they can build and scale together over time, while keeping their carbon footprint as low as possible. •       Customers can drop off prepaid, labeled packages containing their sneakers at any of UPS’s 14,400 nationwide UPS Store locations or UPS authorized partners, such as Staples, so the sneakers may be shipped back to TerraCycle for recycling.  Customers can download their shipping labels at https://www.thousandfell.com/pages/our-sustainability. •       TerraCycle and Thousand Fell are also working on a closed-loop solution where old sneakers will be reintegrated into the supply chain to make new sneakers. •       Thousand Fell customers can create an account and register their sneakers once received, so that they can initiate free recycling when they’re ready — either at one of the in-person drop-off locations or by shipping them back directly to TerraCycle.  Customers will also be able to see their entire purchase history and track the personal carbon footprint for their sneakers through ThousandFell.com. *Traditionally 97 percent of all shoes end up in landfills. 300 million shoes head to landfill in the U.S. alone every year, after less than just 1 year of wear.