Nordstrom Launched a New Recycling Program for Beauty Product Packaging

TerraCycle Include USA Nordstrom BEAUTYCYCLE
If you're committed to recycling, you may have noticed that disposing of beauty packaging is a bit complicated. The types of plastics you're able to recycle through your curbside recycling program will depend on what's accepted in your area, and curbside recycling isn't ideal for small-sized packaging, which tend to get lost during sorting. But if you have a pileup of tiny containers or other recyclables that aren't accepted in your area, you can now unload them on your next trip to Nordstrom. The brand just launched BEAUTYCYCLE, a take-back program for beauty products. (Related: These Innovations Are Making Your Beauty Products More Sustainable)
Starting today, every Nordstrom and Nordstrom Local service hub will have a box where you can drop your used-up (and rinsed out) beauty packaging. From there, Nordstrom will ship the empties to TerraCycle, a recycling program that accepts hard-to-recycle items. TerraCycle will clean and sort everything into metals, glass, and plastics, and then the materials will be recycled into new products.