Responsible Beauty: 3 easy ways to adopt clean beauty

TerraCycle Include Canada (English) ZWB Loop
A big green wave is breaking in our bathrooms. And it's not just about finding organic formulas. Today, consumers demand a lot more : transparency on the origin of ingredients, respect for harvesters, reduction of the impact on the environment, a recycling program "zero waste" ... All with formulas always more sensory! More than an awareness, a real philosophy now advocated by many brands that multiply commitments for both the well-being of the skin and for that of the planet. Welcome to the era of "Clean Beauty".  

Commitment 1: I offer the best to my skin

  Why ? To bring him maximum benefits with safe formulas.   With natural ingredients Plant oil , butter, essential oils , hydrolats or herbal extracts: the skin loves! And for good reason, they are more in affinity with her than synthetic molecules. Rich in vitamins, nutrients, fatty acids and even minerals, the ingredients from nature are real benefit concentrates . In addition, they are usually integrated into formulas without controversial components such as silicones or some preservatives, that's good!   And what for? For everything ! Today you will find soothing, purifying or anti-aging formulas for body, face and hair.   With simple compositions The trend of formulas that use a limited number of ingredients is gaining ground. The goal: to reduce the risk of intolerance but also to offer maximum transparency by eliminating controversial or superfluous components. Without perfume, without alcohol, without silicone or paraben, these products advocate the return to the essential but especially an effectiveness adapted to all the skins, even sensitive .   And where do I find them? Essentially in face or body care for fragile skin.  

Commitment 2: I preserve nature

  Why ? To limit the consequences of the products I use on the land and oceans.   With respectful solar filters Every year 14,000 tonnes of sunscreens are poured into the oceans *. In order to limit their impact on the aquatic environment and in particular on coral reefs, some brands have decided to develop solar products without using controversial filters such as oxybenzone, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. in the form of nano-particles . These products are also often more resistant to water and have a high biodegradability.   And protection side? No worries, the formulas are just as effective against the sun's rays. They display indices 30 to 50 and UVA protection like the others.   With biodegradable formulas This is the product itself and not the packaging. For the moment, this mainly concerns rinsed formulas such as shower gels , facial cleansers or shampoos . They are said to be "biodegradable" if after their use, they can be transformed naturally by micro-organisms (in CO2 for example).   And for the other types produced? Some brands are already working on biodegradable formulas for body milks, for example, which can also leave residues during the shower.  

Commitment 3: I reduce my impact on the environment

  Why ? To minimize waste and consume more reasonably.   With products made in France The made in France is on the rise and that's good for the environment. Choosing a product manufactured closer to the place where its ingredients are grown, and therefore reduce the transport required for its development, is significantly reduce its carbon footprint. It is also a good way to support local production, sustainable supply chains and the protection of the diversity of flora.   And for me it changes what? Choosing cosmetics made in France is also ensuring the traceability and consistent quality of natural ingredients that contains the formula of your care.   With recyclable packaging Many brands are engaged in this fight. First to reduce waste but also to reduce the consumption of raw material. The aim is to encourage packaging made from recycled materials , to limit their weight or single use parts (spatulas), to replace cellophane with a compostable material. Some brands also participate in programs like TerraCycle. They make it possible to recycle unsupported packaging by conventional channels such as "travel" formats.   And to go further? Visit the Loop Zero Waste eCommerce site which, associated with some brands, offers a new consumer model by offering returnable, reusable or recyclable packaging.