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Donate Office Supplies

We seem to have a lot of things at our house that we aren’t really using anymore.  Lots of old video games, sports equipment, just stuff.  Probably because we moved six years ago and I never unpacked some things – and now that we’ve moved again I’m just “rediscovering” all the things  I obviously haven’t missed!!!  My problem is I usually am not sure what to do with things we are finished with – most of it is in good shape – we just don’t use it anymore.   If you’re curious, there are some places that take things you may not think are a perfect fit for the Goodwill.  And remember – besides making you feel great when you donate – your donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions on your tax forms!  So you’re saving money by being generous.  Here are a few examples: Office Supplies – got a million pens laying around?  Printer Cartridges? Scotch tape containers?  TerraCycle will collect your old office supplies and turn them into like-new products such as park benches, flowerpots and plastic lumber.  You send it in free – and your goods get credit that you can donate to the charity of your choice.