Posts with term EcoNation X

Happy Green Holidays with TerraCycle

“Who put this recyclable item in the garbage???” My kids have gotten used to me asking this question as I’ve become more environmentally conscious over the years. I knew the habit had become deeply ingrained when I attended a church dinner and found myself trying to move a bunch of recyclable 2 liter bottles someone had set on top of the trash to a recycling container.  Since I moved from halfhearted recycling to serious recycling around ten years ago, I’ve tried to support companies who are reusing waste in creative ways, like Terracycle.  They take traditionally nonrecyclable waste, drink pouches, chip bags, toothbrushes and many other products, and create new and innovative products. Have you ever wanted to recycle your nonrecyclable items? If so, Terracycle has a program that pays you cash! You collect these items and send them in to Terracycle.  They produce reusable goods like this circuit board clipboard and you get cool cash in your pocket. It’s a win-win situation.