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Holiday Extravaganza 2010 – Terracycle Giveaway Ends 12/10

For the Earth loving person on your gift giving list, consider a couple of gifts from Terracycle. I personally think that Terracycle is just a wonderfully brilliant company, who produces beautiful items from recycled trash. I myself own one of their tote bags and a few of their pencil cases. They are made ridiculously well and are always a conversation starter.

Cheetos bags, diapers remade into trash cans

The company that turned Cheetos bags into MP3 speakers <http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10382623-1.html>  is now transforming Chester Cheetah into 32-gallon garbage cans. New Jersey-based recycling company TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  is teaming up with Pioneer Plastics USA <http://www.pioneerplasticsusa.com/>  to make heavy-duty trash cans out of recycled polypropylene that was once chip bags.

Eco weekend: TiVo TerraCycle’s ‘Garbage Moguls’ marathon

I’m not going to judge you for your obsession with Real Housewives, but if you’d like to tune in to some trashy television of the more guilt-free variety, you won’t want to miss the Garbage Moguls marathon airing this Saturday (starting at 7 pm) on the National Geographic Channel. The show follows the inner workings of one of my favorite eco-minded companies, TerraCycle, as its crew works to transform trash into treasure.

New TerraCycle Products in Walmart between April 5th and April 29th

A whole bunch of brand new TerraCycle items will be available, during April for a limited time only, at every single Walmart across the country. Starting April 5th, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be sold right next to the original items they were made from. Cheetos kites and tote bags made from Frito-Lay wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips, while notebooks and purses made out of skittles and M&M wrappers will be sold right next to bags of Mars Candy!

TerraCycle at WALMART!!!!

WOW!! This is so exciting!! After months of collecting, sorting, packaging and mailing, we are getting a chance to see the products that all the trash is being turned into at our local WalMart. Now to see if it is a success. You can help make it a success by stopping by your local WalMart and purchasing one of these great new products. Listed below are all the details of what is available in most stores. Show your support of your schools and purchase a bag. ALSO there is a way to turn the dollars you spent buying to also support your school. Save your receipt and contact your schools TerraCycle representative to learn how.

New TerraCycle Products in Walmart

A whole bunch of brand new TerraCycle items will be available, during April for a limited time only, at every single Walmart across the country. Starting April 5th, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be sold right next to the original items they were made from. Cheetos kites and tote bags made from Frito-Lay wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips, while notebooks and purses made out of skittles and M&M wrappers will be sold right next to bags of Mars Candy!

Terracycle: Turn Trash into Treasures!

Next time you purchase a box of Capri Sun drinks, a tube of Colgate toothpaste, a Clif bar etc.. consider hanging on to your trash and sending it to Terracycle! TerraCycle takes a wide range of different non-recyclable waste materials and then makes affordable, eco-friendly products. Terracycle is hoping to eliminate the idea of waste by finding innovative, unique uses for materials others deem garbage. With over 50 products available at major retailers like Walmart, Target, The Home Depot, OfficeMax, Petco and Whole Foods Market, TerraCycle is one of the fastest growing eco-friendly manufacturers in the world. Consider what happens when your kids finish drinking a Capri Sun…they toss the empty juice box in the trash which eventually ends up in a dumpster or landfill. Instead of adding the drink pouch to a pile of other pouches at the landfill, TerraCycle converts the used drink pouches into unique fashion bags, tote bags, pencil cases, and other items for kids and adults (check out the adorable Skittles bag below made from recycled Skittles wrappers)!

Guilderland Elementary does...does your school?

According to the Guilderland Elementary School Acting PTA President, Guilderland Elementary School raises money by upcycling Capri Sun juice pouches.  By simply offering a recycling container in a lunchroom, local schools and organizations can earn money and protect the environment. Starting healthy habits for body and earth can start early with Capri Sun.  Yes, that says Capri Sun.  Remember the sugary juice in bags that kids loved in the 80's?  For today's kids, Capri Sun offers 100% juice, recyclable pouches, and school or organization fundraising programs.  This is a win, win, win situation.