Posts with term Zero Waste Boxes X

4 Ways to Eco-Consciously Declutter Your Home

The secret to joy? Getting rid of your stuff. So promises Marie Kondo in her latest best-seller,Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, which is a companion to her first best-seller, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. In Spark Joy, Kondo elaborates on her “KonMari Method” of de-cluttering your home: discard the items that don’t bring you joy, and you will begin to create your ideal lifestyle. You will also take better care of the items that do bring you joy, and, almost incidentally, tidy up your home. But when you’re going through your belongings, how can you dispose of all of those joyless objects in a mindful, yogic way?

$250,000 Worth of Technology Products Awarded to 10 Environmentally Conscious Schools across Canada

Staples Canada announced today the winners of the 2016 Superpower Your School Contest. The contest, held in collaboration with Earth Day Canada, was open to publicly-funded elementary and secondary schools across Canada and ran from December 3, 2015 to January 29, 2016. Almost 630 schools submitted entries detailing their environmental initiatives. Ten schools, two from each region, have been selected to receive $25,000 worth of technology products each.

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Waste this Spring

The time to refresh and start anew for spring is upon us! As the flowers start blooming and the snow begins to melt away, let’s do our part for the planet in this time of renewal by learning new ways to reduce waste and live in harmony with the environment around us. There are plenty of easy ways to get started, and you can even save some money along the way.

Are Americans willing to pay for zero waste packaging?

At my company, TerraCycle, we’re always asking ourselves what the next recycling innovation we can bring to consumers might be. Our first answer came in the form of free consumer-facing collection and recycling programs (sponsored by major brands and consumer packaged goods companies) for pre- and post-consumer packaging waste streams. While this free model has seen a lot of success, our capacity to collect and recycle is limited by the funding we are able to secure from our sponsors. To solve for this economic gap and engage with even more consumers, we began asking ourselves a new question: Are consumers willing to pay a premium for zero waste packaging solutions?

Green Gift Guide for the Holidays

The holidays are back in full swing, so it’s time to batten down the hatches, shrug off your Thanksgiving food coma, and start thinking about gifts for your friends, family and coworkers. If you’re having trouble deciding what to get, give a gift to both your loved ones and the planet this year by “greening” your gift list at every opportunity. Below are a variety of guilt-free gift ideas and tips that will make the Earth just as happy as the recipient.

8 Tips for Hosting a 'Green' Thanksgiving

Consider making something like an edible cornucopia as your centerpiece, and decorate with a variety of autumn leaves, pinecones, and seasonal fruit or gourds. The Design Junkies here at TerraCycle have also created some simple do-it-yourself projects to help you decorate, such as this napkin ring or these custom name cards made from items you normally throw away!

Zero Waste Box Options

It’s time to dig yourself out of denial and start cleaning the house or apartment. While emptying old boxes and containers into the dumpster can be a tempting way to declutter and make some space, you may be throwing away things that could be recycled or reused instead. Here are some items you may come across when tidying up this year that you should think twice about before tossing into the garbage bin.