Posts with term Walmart X

To The Best of Our Knowledge: Upcycling

Annie Leonard explains what happens to most of the plastic bottles consumers carefully wash out and recycle. Tom Szaky is the founder and CEO of a company that turns candy wrappers and juice bottles into pencil cases and backpacks. Mark Frauenfelder describes some of his DIY projects - from vegetables to cigar box guitars. David Sterritt introduced the work of beatnik filmmaker Bruce Conner, the father of the music video and creator of a style of video montage Annie Leonard is the author of "The Story of Stuff." She tells Steve Paulson what happens to most of the plastic bottles consumers carefully wash out and recycle: they end up being shipped to the third world. An extended version of this interview and a video are at ttbook.org. Tom Szaky is the founder and CEO of a company called TerraCycle. His book is "Revolution in a Bottle: How TerraCycle Is Redefining Green Business." Szaky tells Jim Fleming how his company turns candy wrappers and juice bottles into pencil cases and backpacks sold at Walmart stores.

Empresas que continúan con la misión de limpiar México

A año y medio de su llegada, la empresa americana TerraCycle ha comenzando un gran movimiento. En alianza con marcas como TANG y Colgate logran patrocinar y administrar a más de 1300 equipos de personas que recolectan desperdicios y evitan que lleguen al relleno sanitario. En su alianza con estas marcas, TerraCycle ha logrado cerrar el ciclo para eliminar por completo la basura de las empresas. Se empieza por convocar a la comunidad a registrarse de manera gratuita en la página www.terracycle.com.mx, hecho esto, el quipo de recolección puede comenzar a juntar los deshechos y enviarlos a Terracycle sin costo alguno. Es importante recordar que el programa otorga 25 puntos a las personas por cada pieza que recolecten, puntos que después se podrán canjear por donativos a la organización de su Terracycle da a estos deshechos una nueva vida, transformándolos en productos divertidos y amigables con el medio ambiente. Las marcas se han sumado a esta acción de diferentes maneras. Colgate, marca líder en cuidado bucal, lanzó la campaña con una activación que estuvo presente en 130 Walmarts de nuestro país. Esta activación recolectaba en los distintos puntos de venta todos aquellos deshechos de productos de higiene bucal, cepillos, tubos de crema dental y sus respectivos empaques, estos fueron enviados a Terracycle para ser reutilizados y reciclados. Así mismo, lanzó una convocatoria a través de su página www.bocasanaplanetasana.com en la que invitaba a sus consumidores a compartir frases sobre cómo cuidan el medio ambiente, la frase más votada ganó un viaje ecoturístico. A su vez Tang, marca de bebidas en polvo, ha logrado el record de recolección de 1 millón de sobres en todo el país, evitando que estos vayan a dar al relleno sanitario contaminando cada día más el medio ambiente. La marca de bebidas en polvo, estará durante el mes de septiembre en 250 centros de distribución Walmart y Bodega Aurrera, las tiendas participantes pueden consultarse en www.tang.com.mx. De esta manera, las empresas continúan demostrando el compromiso que tienen con el medio ambiente y su comunidad, esperando que cada día sea más el número de personas que se sume al proyecto para que poco a poco limpiemos México.

Staying green through the fall with eco-friendly school lunches

This year, bringing green into the fall and winter is easy. While packing lunches for kids as they head back to school, options for staying eco-friendly and keeping lunch tasty are at your fingertips. TerraCycle, a pioneering recycling and upcycling company, offers eco-friendly, upcycled and recycled lunchboxes as well as a way to earn money by collecting non-recyclable food packaging such as cookies, chips, and juice pouches.

The Incredible Story Of How TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky Became A Garbage Mogul

At first, it sounds like another startup fairytale. A 19-year-old Princeton freshman starts a company with the hopes of making a tangible difference in the world, and it grows into a global, multi-million dollar venture. But stories like TerraCycle founder and CEO Tom Szaky's are never as they seem. It takes more than just a genius idea to succeed. Businesses that are looking to make a transformational global impact require hard work, incredible business savvy and the courage to press on when everyone calls you crazy.

TerraCycle Renovates Its New Jersey Offices With Quirky Upcycled Designs

Despite their growing global presence and epic partnerships, TerraCycle is unsurprisingly still down to earth -- and we mean down. Employees recently put their quirky upcycled designs to use by renovating their entire Trenton, New Jersey offices with waste material. Mountains of vinyl records, juice boxes, water bottles, and even bowling lanes became desks, dividers, lamps, and conference room tables. Hit the jump for a look at the inspiration-inducing space! We here at Inhabitat have long been huge fans of TerraCycle’s fun and fresh upcycled products and events throughout New York. Now their recent, homemade office renovations solidify their reputation as the hippest and possibly most committed waste repurposing company around.

Coolers from Recycled Packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a plastic liner made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice.