Posts with term TerraCycle X

New recycling "seal of approval"

Terracycle recycles "nonrecyclable" waste in 20 countries. In simple terms, a certificate of recycling documents the amount and type of waste that is recycled by an organization and is proof that your company is compliant with the standards set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). While valuable, the benefit to your company doesn’t stop with government compliance.

Jodi Heckel | Plogging makes its way to Champaign

On a recent weekend, Laura Owen of Sadorus did a 1-mile warmup run with her dog along a country road next to a cornfield, plastic bag in hand. In just 15 minutes, Owen filled the bag with trash, mostly beer cans and large plastic and foam drink cups. "I usually don't pay that much attention to what's there, and sometimes if the ditches aren't mowed, it's hard to see what's in there. I was really surprised at how much trash we found," she said.

Walkers to launch crisp packet recycling scheme following campaign

Walkers has been inundated with empty crisp packets sent by consumers calling for the company to use environmentally friendly packaging. Walkers is to launch a nationwide recycling scheme for crisp packets following calls for the company to introduce environmentally friendly packaging. The crisp packet recycling scheme – the first nationwide initiative of its kind in the UK – is due begin in December, Walkers has announced.

Walkers answers critics with launch of UK crisp packet recycling plan

Walkers has agreed to offer a free national recycling scheme to stop millions of empty crisp packets ending up in landfill in the UK every year after consumers heaped pressure on it to change its plastic packaging. A social media campaign asking crisp manufacturers to make their packaging recyclable led to Royal Mail issuing a plea to members of the public last week to put empty crisp packets in an envelope before posting them back to the company.

Walkers answers critics with launch of UK crisp packet recycling plan

Manufacturer to collect and repurpose packaging after campaign against firm’s waste.  Walkers has agreed to offer a free national recycling scheme to stop millions of empty crisp packets ending up in landfill in the UK every year after consumers heaped pressure on it to change its plastic packaging. A social media campaign asking crisp manufacturers to make their packaging recyclable led to Royal Mail issuing a plea to members of the public last week to put empty crisp packets in an envelope before posting them back to the company.