The drug-store chain is partnering with the waste management company TerraCycle, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort. The state that collects the most waste will win a new playground, made from recycled oral waste, at a Starlight Children's Foundation member hospital.
The drug-store chain is partnering with the waste management company TerraCycle, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort. The state that collects the most waste will win a new playground, made from recycled oral waste, at a Starlight Children's Foundation member hospital.
The drug-store chain is partnering with the waste management company TerraCycle, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort. The state that collects the most waste will win a new playground, made from recycled oral waste, at a Starlight Children's Foundation member hospital.
The drug-store chain is partnering with the waste management company TerraCycle, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort. The state that collects the most waste will win a new playground, made from recycled oral waste, at a Starlight Children's Foundation member hospital.
In conjunction with the Otsego County Conservation Association, TerraCycle items will be accepted for recycling, including writing implements, oral care products such as toothpaste tubes and brushes, cell phones, ink cartridges and clean white foam.
In conjunction with the Otsego County Conservation Association, TerraCycle items will be accepted for recycling, including writing implements, oral care products such as toothpaste tubes and brushes, cell phones, ink cartridges and clean white foam.
TerraCycle, an East Coast firm that specializes in recycling items typically seen as "non-recyclable," (such as used oral-hygiene products), has partnered with CVS pharmacies, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort.
TerraCycle, an East Coast firm that specializes in recycling items typically seen as "non-recyclable," (such as used oral-hygiene products), has partnered with CVS pharmacies, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort.
TerraCycle, an East Coast firm that specializes in recycling items typically seen as "non-recyclable," (such as used oral-hygiene products), has partnered with CVS pharmacies, Starlight Children's Foundation and Colgate-Palmolive in the nationwide recycling effort.
Olha só essa iniciativa que já virou referência no Colégio de Aplicação do Campus da Univali em Tijucas, Santa Catarina. Alunos, professores e comunidade estão participando da troca de tampinhas de plástico por ração para animais de rua. Qualquer tampinha de plástico pode ser doada: de garrafas pet, produtos de higiene, remédios, sucos, leite e iogurtes. Agora nada mais vai para o lixo. Essas tampinhas são feitas de polipropileno, um plástico que tem muita utilidade no mercado e é reciclável. A campanha também recolhe esponjas usadas, latas e lacres de alumínio. Tudo pode ser reciclado. Nesse ponto vale lembrar que 140 garrafas pet de dois litros cheias de lacres de alumínio podem ser trocadas por uma cadeira de rodas.