Posts with term TerraCycle X

Contact Lenses, Pet Fur and Other Surprising Recyclables

As consumers have become more supportive of recyclable products, the options for recycling what we used to deem trash have grown. Major manufacturers are partnering with companies such as TerraCycle to recover their (and sometimes even competitors') products. Cities and counties have ramped up recycling programs to accept a wider variety of items.

Why reusable food packaging has a promising future

In searching for an innovative method to provide consumers with sustainable yet convenient packaging options, companies including Tyme Fast Food and TerraCycle's Loop program, as well as retailers including PCC Community Markets have reimagined packaging as something reusable rather than disposable.

Why Reusable Food Packaging Has a Promising Future

In searching for an innovative method to provide consumers with sustainable yet convenient packaging options, companies including Tyme Fast Food and TerraCycle's Loop program, as well as retailers including PCC Community Markets have reimagined packaging as something reusable rather than disposable.

Sua esponja vale muito: IDCT adere ao programa TerraCycle

O Instituto de Defesa da Cidadania e da Transparência (IDCT) aderiu a iniciativa da empresa TerraCycle, por meio da Bióloga voluntária do projeto, Ana Paula Moreira, nesta semana. A partir de agora a sede educacional do IDCT, localizada no coração da capital mineira, será um ponto de coleta da iniciativa. O intuito é recolher o maior número de esponjas já utilizadas, e consequentemente, gerar pontos acumulados que se convertem em dinheiro doado para instituições de caridade.

The Citizen of East Alabama

Local musicians are invited to attend a free recycle and restring event at American Guitar Boutique in Phenix City on June 29, 2019 from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm. Sponsored by D’Addario® and international recycling company TerraCycle®, musicians can bring any old instrument strings for recycling and get their electric or acoustic guitars restrung with D’Addario NYXL or Nickel Bronze Acoustic strings. In exchange for the restringing, American Guitar Boutique asks customers to bring-in non-perishable donations to benefit the local Lazarus Society Food Bank. Old strings collected during the event will be recycled through Playback, D’Addario’s free, national recycling program.

Cigarette Waste: New Solutions for the World's Most-Littered Trash

The campaign sends much of the collected waste to TerraCycle, a company that is able to recycle the butts, turning the plastic into industrial-grade products like plastic pallets. Vancouver, where people litter a million cigarette butts a day, was the first city to pioneer this partnership with TerraCycle, installing 110 cigarette butt recycling bins in its downtown area in 2013.

Cigarette waste: New solutions for the world’s most-littered trash

The campaign sends much of the collected waste to TerraCycle, a company that is able to recycle the butts, turning the plastic into industrial-grade products like plastic pallets. Vancouver, where people litter a million cigarette butts a day, was the first city to pioneer this partnership with TerraCycle, installing 110 cigarette butt recycling bins in its downtown area in 2013.

Contact lenses, corks and Christmas lights can all be recycled. Here’s how.

As consumers have become more supportive of recyclable products, the options for recycling what we used to deem trash have grown. Major manufacturers are partnering with companies such as TerraCycle to recover their (and sometimes even competitors’) products. Cities and counties have ramped up recycling programs to accept a wider variety of items.

Free Instrument Restring/Recycling Event Hosted by American Guitar Boutique

Local musicians are invited to attend a free recycle and restring event at American Guitar Boutique in Phenix City, AL on Saturday June 29, 2019 from 10:30 AM – 4:00 PM. Sponsored by D’Addario and TerraCycle, musicians can bring any old instrument strings for recycling and get their electric or acoustic guitars restrung with D’Addario NYXL or Nickel Bronze Acoustic strings. Old strings collected during the event will be recycled through Playback, D’Addario’s free, national recycling program.