Posts with term TerraCycle X

Recycle and Earn

Did you know billions of drink pouches are thrown out each year? TerraCycle collects these discarded pouches and turns them into cool products. Sponsored by the drink pouch makers themselves (CapriSun and Kool-Aid) these groovy pencil case holders will be the talk at the lunch table. You can get your school involved too. Collect drink pouches, turn them in and collect cash for your school. Go to www.terracycle.net and find out more. Pencil cases starting at $2. (TerraCycle makes lunch boxes too. See page XXX)

Drink, Recycle, Reuse

Made from upcycled juice pouches, this Terracycle lunch bag is an unusual twist on the traditional insulated lunch box. TerraCycle diverts tons of waste juice pouches annually and donates 2 cents to a charity or nonprofit for each pouch collected. $13.99 www.terracycle.net.

TerraCycle Kool-Aid Pencil Case

Keep your pens and pencils organized in this case made entirely from drink pouches that have been stitched together. Used pouches are cleaned and sewn to make these pencil cases. TerraCycle is an upcycling and recycling company that collects and reuses non-recyclable trash. Buy it for $2.49 at www.terracycleshop.com.

Recycling programs a revenue stream for Pasco County schools

So you're thinking you'd like to help out. Money's not an option in this economy. Time is in short supply, too. Even so, there is a way to help funnel funds and educational equipment to schools while cleaning up the local environment. Recycle. Yes, the schools want your trash. Pick a program To help, check out the following offerings, call the school of your choice or check out a school website to see what programs they participate in. For an overall look at school and community recycling efforts, go to www.pasco.k12.fl.us/recycle • TerraCycle — drink pouch, potato chip, candy wrapper recycling and more: terracycle.net/brigades

Suzano: como vender papel num mundo que pede sustentabilidade

Para reforçar o compromisso com a sustentabilidade, a Suzano iniciou recentemente uma parceria com a TerraCycle. A iniciativa pretende estimular o descarte correto de embalagens de papel, garantindo novos usos. Para cada unidade enviada por meio do programa, a Suzano e a TerraCycle doam R$ 0,02 para uma organização sem fins lucrativos escolhida pelos participantes

Suzano: como vender papel num mundo que pede por sustentabilidade

Para reforçar o compromisso com a sustentabilidade, a Suzano iniciou recentemente uma parceria com a TerraCycle. A iniciativa pretende estimular o descarte correto de embalagens de papel, garantindo novos usos. Para cada unidade enviada por meio do programa, a Suzano e a TerraCycle doam R$ 0,02 para uma organização sem fins lucrativos escolhida pelos participantes.