Posts with term TerraCycle X

Morgan County schools are ramping up recycling

For local students, collecting cans and bottles is more than a lesson about recycling, it’s about giving back to their school and community while helping the environment. Students at Poston Road and Paragon elementary schools have been hard at work collecting cans, bottles and other recyclables as part of a project for their high achievement class. The Poston Road program, a collaborative effort between students and recycling organizations TerraCycle and the Dream Machine Recycle Rally, combines the best of both worlds: Helping the environment while working toward the purchase of school equipment, program sponsor Donna Lehmann said. “Our high ability students are the ones really getting it up and going,” Lehmann said. “One of our students, Asher (Markita) and I were the only ones scanning the cans and bottles to start.” The program began with TerraCycle, a recycling company based in New Jersey, which allowed the students to collect normally non-recyclable trash such as Caprisun juice pouches, lunchables and chip bags, and ship them to TerraCycle for free and earn money for the school.

El reciclaje de material de escritura con destino para proyectos solidarios del Espacio Joven en el periódico Gente de Valladolid

La pasada semana el periódico de distribución gratuita Gente de Valladolid publico una noticia que hacía referencia al proyecto que el Espacio Joven esta llevando a cabo junto con TERRACYCLE para el reciclaje de material de escritura a cambio de una cantidad económica que se está destinando al Banco de Alimentos de la ciudad.

Stylos neufs avec des vieux

L'association Pour nos enfants a créé une « brigade » des instruments d'écriture (1). L'objectif est de récupérer le plus grand nombre possible de stylos usagés qui seront envoyés, à ses frais, à la société TerraCycle qui reversera 2 centimes par stylo collecté.

TerraCycle Tuesday: Spotlight on Cell Phone Brigade

What can be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: any brand and type of cell phone (ex. flip phones, Tracfone/pay-as-you-go models, smartphones, iPhones) What CANNOT be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: house/portable phones, phone chargers, or loose batteries Depending on the type of phone you send in, we earn different amounts of TerraCycle points, which we redeem for money for our school. Here's what we earn: Standard Cell Phone – 100 TerraCycle points ($1 per phone) Smart phone – 750 TerraCycle points ($7.50 per phone) iPhone – 1,000 TerraCycle points ($10 per phone) The cell phone waste that we send out is either made into new refurbished products or recycled into various products. So if you have any old phones laying around, send them in! You'll be helping our school and the environment.