Posts with term TerraCycle X

Superintendent White visits North Live Oak Elementary today

Educators and students at North Live Oak Elementary are opening the doors of their school at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday (Feb. 8) to put their daily learning environment on display for Louisiana’s newly appointed Superintendent of Education John White. White is visiting the school as part of his effort to visit a few classrooms throughout the state and hear from “frontline” employees in public education. North Live Oak Elementary Principal Michell Stone said her teachers offer challenging and creative classrooms by integrating technology throughout the curriculum and involving students in hands-on projects and extracurricular activities.  In particular, the school is very committed to developing the students’ artistic talents by featuring programs that emphasize art, drama, choir and writing.  One of the school’s top events includes its “Evening with the Arts” program that showcases student work, she said.

Coppertone lança programa de reciclagem e convida os brasileiros a se tornarem protetores do planeta

A Coppertone lança o programa Protetores do Planeta, um movimento inédito que vai mudar o futuro e o segmento de proteção solar no Brasil. Trata-se de um programa de coleta, pós-consumo, que permitirá a transformação de embalagens de protetores solares descartadas em matéria-prima novamente, substituindo material virgem e evitando que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos. Essa nova matéria prima poderá ser usada na produção de novos materiais a base de plástico. A iniciativa conta com a parceria da TerraCycle, empresa que desenvolve produtos eco-amigáveis a partir de material reciclado. Cumprindo a primeira fase da Política Nacional de Resíduos sólidos, Coppertone oferece aos seus consumidores uma opção de descarte correto para as embalagens de seus produtos. O mote do programa é: "Ajude a proteger a pele do planeta".

Suzano dá novos passos com medidas sustentáveis

Suzano Papel e Celulose tem dado continuidade à sua estratégia de expandir sua atuação sustentável. O Programa Brigada Suzano Report, em parceria com a TerraCycle, é voltado para a recuperação de embalagens de papel cut-size. Em 2011, a iniciativa abrangeu 21 estados brasileiros, com a adesão de mais de 580 equipes de coleta, e evitou a disposição incorreta de mais de 61 mil embalagens, que foram transformadas em novos produtos, como estojos.

Landbell: Beteiligung an US-amerikanischer TerraCycle

Die Landbell AG, eines der neun Rücknahmesysteme in Deutschland zur Sammlung und Verwertung von Verpackungen, beteiligt sich an dem US-amerikanischen Unternehmen TerraCycle®, Inc., teilt Landbell mit. TerraCycle, ein weltweit in 21 Ländern agierendes Unternehmen, hat sich auf das Sammeln, Recyceln und Wiederverwerten schwer zu recycelnder Abfälle, Konsumgüter und Verkaufsverpackungen spezialisiert. TerraCycle ist seit 2011 auf dem deutschen und schweizerischen Markt vertreten und will ab 2012 auch in Österreich aktiv sein.

Collect some trash and help the Hamilton Library earn some cash

HAMILTON - You can help the Hamilton Public Library earn some money just by collecting your Keebler, Nabisco, Scott and Frito Lay product wrappers and bringing them to the library. Once collected, the materials are sent off to Terracycle, where they are “upcycled” into products such as tote bags, backpacks and more. In return, the library gets cash to put towards the purchase of books, periodicals, and other items for patrons. Officials urge you to help keep the township “clean and green” by bringing your wrappers to the Hamilton Library located a 1 Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. Way. Residents who want more information are asked to contact Terracycle Program Coordinator Scott Cianese at 609-581-4060 or through email at SCianese@Hamilton.com.