Posts with term TerraCycle X

Can Saving Trash Help Raise Money for Your Nonprofit?

“If you just leave your bag of garbage by your front door I’ll stop by and grab it on my way to work.” This probably isn’t something most people Facebook message their friends about at 10:00 at night. But, not only is this really a message sent to me from a friend a few nights ago, but I also really did run and, excitedly, pull a bag of garbage I’d been saving for her out of the closet and set it by my front door.

Partnership Elementary Earns State Recycling Title

by Bill Poston Partnership Elementary earned first place at the county and state levels in the K-12 school recycling competition sponsored by Keep America Beautiful, Inc. and Nestlé Waters North America, The students and staff at Partnership Elementary collected 3,231 pounds of mixed office paper, cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, and polystyrene trays during a 4-week period which came to 8.7 pounds of waste recycled per capita. This provided a savings of 4.8 cubic yards of landfill space.

Mrs. Hatcher's Hangout: Updates from Room 123

We have SO much going on right now in room 123! Check it out: *BRIGADES, BRIGADES, BRIGADES! I am sure you’ve heard of the 5th grade G21 project. We have been recycling 3 different types of brigades (glue sticks/bottles, empty tape rolls, as well as beauty product bottles/cases). A company named TerraCycle will give us 2 cents per brigade. We will then decide what we want to purchase for our courtyard to make it a more useful environment (an outdoor classroom environment). So far 2nd grade has won 3 weeks in a row! Who will win this week?! Don’t forget to RECYCLE! If you have any questions on what exactly you can recycle for the beauty product brigade, please feel free to email me!

Gold Buyback Site Sharing Proceeds with Charity

Trenton, N.J.--SellYourGold.com is teaming up with international recycling company TerraCycle Inc. to add a charitable aspect for consumers who are selling their precious metal jewelry for cash. Based in Trenton, N.J., TerraCycle is a recycling and “up-cycling” company that specializes in collecting and repurposing non-recyclable waste. The company does this through its Brigade programs in which participants collect and send in used home, school and office products and packaging, such as drink pouches, chip bags and pens.

Cash: en la era del ecocapitalismo la basura es negocio

Rastreando qué pueden hacer las marcas para involucrarse de modo directo con los temas vinculados con el medio ambiente y con lo social, me topé con TerraCycle. Al igual que me pasó con la marca Patagonia, más allá de las gacetillas de prensa que venía recibiendo y publicando de TerraCycle quería ver más de cerca de qué se trataba. Así coordiné una entrevista con Mercedes Davico, gerente de comunicación y RRPP de TerraCycle Cono Sur. Lo primero que me contó es cómo surgió TerraCycle y allí está una vez más la impronta de un emprendedor. TerraCycle fue fundada en el 2001 por Tom Szaky y Jon Beyer, dos estudiantes de Princeton University que desarrollaron un proyecto sobre reciclado. Szaky es considerado un eco capitalista y su visión fue plasmada en el libro “Revolution in a Bottle”. El predicamento fue tan fuerte que la historia de TerraCycle formó parte de la miniserie Garbage Moguls (Magnates de la Basura) de National Geographic. El alma mater de TerraCycle también escribe con frecuencia en una sección del New York Times donde relata las aventuras de ser su propio jefe. Por un lado, se recolecta el material de desecho o basura pero la consigna es lograr realizar un nuevo producto con ese descarte, por eso al upcycling se lo conoce como un estadío superior de reciclado. A nivel global tiene unas 26 millones de personas recolectando desechos y trabajan para grandes marcas como Kraft o PepsiCo. “TerraCycle está en Argentina desde febrero del 2011 y la gestión está a cargo deAnn Glotzbach al tiempo que lo operativo corre por cuenta de Tomás Bullrich ” detalla Mercedes desde su rol de RRPP. Hay diferentes etapas y alternativas. Por un lado se pueden reconvertir los desechos que producen las propias empresas antes de que lleguen al consumidor. “Por ejemplo, bobinas de papel que tienen alguna falla y no llegan al producto final” detalla la ejecutiva local. Después está el packaging que llega al consumidor y luego el producto que se realiza a partir de los desechos. En el país lo más conocido son las brigadas de Tang que lograron recaudar unos 500 mil sobres para reconventirlos en otros productos. “La cantidad de equipos o brigadas que se anotaron y la cantidad de unidades que se recolectaron fueron un récord para los 11 meses de presencia en el país” destaca Mercedes. En Argentina: Recolectores 363.643
Unidades de Basura Recolectada: 507.905
Dinero Donado: $ 51.632=
En el caso de Tang se juntaron los sobres de jugos en polvo y esa marca se convirtió en sponsor de la categoría. Jardines de infantes, colegios, clubes o cooperativas suelen ser los brigadistas más activos. Es que además, al reunir todo el material pueden decidir donar diez centavos por cada pieza recolectada e incluso pueden autodonarse esa recaudación.
Mochilas de Jugo Tang
En el mundo hay brigadas que recolectan papeles de golosinas o chicles, y hasta hay grupos que rescatan los empaques de las toallitas higiénicas femeninas.El axioma de que “todo se transforma” de Heráclito se convierte en un slogan muy aplicable a TerraCycle. Cuando se logra reunir material suficiente los brigadistas se comunican con TerraCycle y un servicio de correo (a nivel local TerraCycle acordó con Andreani) pasa a retirar los desechos. Luego, son enviados a lugares especializados en producir productos a partir de sobrantes y así se llega a una cartuchera, una mochila, un bolso o una cartera con el look camuflado de la marca que ofició de sponsor. °
Bolsos de Papas Fritas Lay´s
Siempre se dice que es bueno realizar negocios win and win donde ambas partes ganan pero aquí parece que la ecuación permite multiplicar los efectos. Suma para la marca que logra deshacerse de los desechos, y obtiene beneficios monetarios por la venta de los productos y beneficios simbólicos por su ayuda al medio ambiente. Ganan las “brigadas” que trabajan mancomunadas por un objetivo que las favorece, incluso con una posible donación. Se arma la rueda para que TerraCycle siga ganando, tanto del sponsor como del porcentual de la venta de productos. °
Parlantes de confites M&M
Y, lógicamente, todo el circuito supone un efecto positivo sobre toda la sociedad que literalmente se “saca de encima el problema de la basura” al menos en un segmento. “Los productos finales resultado del proceso de upcycling se venden a precios razonables, más bien menores a los convencionales” destaca Mercedes. Así se consiguen cartucheras por $20 o bolsos por $50 y el canal de venta es el ecommerce a través de plataformas como EconativaBixti Para seguir a la marca en Twitter la cuenta global es @TerraCycle y la de Argentina es @TerraCycleArg.

TerraCycle Tuesday: Eco-Product Design Contest

I'm sharing something a little different for today's TerraCycle Tuesday. Instead of highlighting a brigade, I'm spreading the word about TerraCycle's annual Eco-Product Design Contest, which will soon be accepting entries for 2012. Here's some info from TerraCycle: Elmer’s® Products, Inc. and TerraCycle® challenge students to use commonly discarded materials to create new products. Participants will design upcycled products using Elmer’s packaging and/or used classroom materials, and e-mail photos or drawings and descriptions of their design to TerraCycle. Entrants do not have to be a part of Elmer’s Glue Crew of TerraCycle’s Elmer’s Glue Crew Brigade® to participate.

Six Strategies for Partnering with Big Brands

Tom Szaky didn't even try to get his product--a worm excrement fertilizer packed in a recycled bottle--into small retailers when he started TerraCycle six years ago. Instead, he reached as high as he could: Wal-Mart. "If I want to be big and do it quickly, the best way … is to work with the world's biggest companies," he says. "They can accelerate your cycle much more quickly than any other company can."

Six strategies for partnering with big brands

A must-follow checklist for small businesses looking to connect with powerhouse companies like Wal-Mart. Tom Szaky didn’t even try to get his product–a worm excrement fertilizer packed in a recycled bottle–into small retailers when he started TerraCycle six years ago. Instead, he reached as high as he could: Wal-Mart. “If I want to be big and do it quickly, the best way … is to work with the world’s biggest companies,” he says. “They can accelerate your cycle much more quickly than any other company can.” The Trenton, N.J.-based company’s first big partnership with Wal-Mart in Canada was just the start of what has become a $14 million business. TerraCycle now gathers unrecyclable trash and converts it into products and packaging for such big brands as Kraft, Pepsi and Mars. Last year, corporate partners spent $45 million on TerraCycle-related marketing–far more than Szaky could have ever done alone.

Clark 7th Graders Take Part In Terracycle Recycling Project

Nicole Mailloux’s seventh grade writing students at Carl H. Kumpf Middle School in Clark are actively participating in a service learning project to utilize persuasive writing techniques in order to motivate other middle school students to take part in an international recycling program, Terracycle. This unit was designed to help students find practical, everyday uses for persuasive writing as well as to teach Kumpf students to be more conscious of waste and simple ways to “go green.”

It's a Wrap - For Now

Beginning next week, the CCHS Environmental Field Studies Group has teamed up with Terracycle, a global program that aims to eliminate waste with recycling and upcycling. The EFSG is collecting the following items: all brands and sizes of candy wrappers, Kashi products and wrappers, cereal bag liners, writing Instruments such as pens, markers, sharpies, dry-erase markers, pencils, mechanical pencils that are dry and do not work. All of the items collected will be sent to TerraCycle, which takes items, previously thought to be unusable again - such as a cereal box liner - and converts them into useful products. In addition, two cents is earned for each item collected, with the money earned by the CCHS EFSG Club will help a charity of the club’s choice. The charity has not yet been determined. Collections begin this week, so gather your candy wrappers and old pens so you can drop them off at one of the many TerraCycle boxes set up around the campus when school reopens Monday.