Posts with term TerraCycle X

Sobrecitos de jugo usados como materia prima para fabricar productos ecológicos

Juntaron medio millón de packs. Hace un año, Tang y TerraCycle comenzaron el Programa Nacional de Recolección y Reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo. Con los sobres recolectados, TerraCycle hacen productos upcycled que guardan la forma y el material original, como mochilas, cartucheras y billeteras, y productos reciclados como tachos de basura hechos con plástico reciclado. Así, se evita que los desechos lleguen a los rellenos sanitarios produciendo un menor impacto ambiental. Además, TerraCycle realiza una donación de 10 centavos por cada unidad de desecho recolectada que es donada a la organización sin fines de lucro o escuela que el Equipo participante elija. El creador Tom Szaky, de 29 años es el fundador y CEO de TerraCycle Inc. Es uno de los líderes más importantes del mundo en temas de eco-capitalismo y upcycling. Nació en Budapest, Hungría, en 1982. Llegó a Estados Unidos en 2001, cuando se matriculó como estudiante de primer año en la Universidad de Princeton. En 2002, comenzó con el proyecto TerraCycle, que comenzó con un equipo de dos personas en un dormitorio en la universidad. TerraCycle trabaja con grandes empresas como Kraft Foods, Kimberly-Clark, Frito-Lay, Danone, Clif Bar y Honest Tea como sponsors de las Brigadas de recolección pre y post consumo, de las diferentes categorías de basura. www.terracycle.com.ar www.clubtang.com.ar www.kraftfoodscompany.com 0800 666 1194

GIPPY Spotlight: St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church

3/13/2012 by gipl For innovative Creation care programs, St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church won the Trailblazer Award at the Sixth Annual GIPPY's. St. Gregory’s has done nothing less than revolutionize the way their congregation thinks about trash. St. Gregory has created an amazing program called Tithing with Trash. Utilizing an organization called Terra Cycle, which will pay you for certain types of trash, St. Gregory collects candy wrappers, chip bags, and many other types of trash. Terra Cycle then upcycles these items and pays St. Gregory’s for their trash.

TerraCycle Tuesday: Spotlight on Yogurt Container Brigade

Previously, this brigade only accepted stackable yogurt cups. I'm happy to announce through the upcoming Dairy Tub Brigade, we can now collect any kind, including non-stackables (like Yoplait, 4- and 6-packs, etc.). This information is not yet updated on the Yogurt Brigade page, so don't be misled that it only says stackable there. What can be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: any brand, size, and shape of yogurt container What does this waste get used for? Our yogurt cups are made into recycled plastic products that can themselves be recycled into more useful items!

Top 50 Startups to Work for After College

Finding a great job is tops on the minds of most college students as they near graduation, and for good reason. Discovering and landing that post-college job that truly excites and challenges is a great way to set your career path in the right direction early on. Luckily, today's batch of promising startup companies offer plenty of opportunities for achievement and growth across a wide range of industries, ranging from design to web development to health care.

Recollida de bolígrafs i retoladors gastats

Des de la USEE participem en una campanya de recollida de bolígrafs, retoladors, plomes, correctors, marcadors fluorescent, portamines, etc (sense importar la marca del fabricant o el material del que espiguen fets, amb excepció de la fusta), promoguda per la companyia de productes reciclats Terracycle. Terracycle recicla aquests residus i els converteix en productes nous (bancs de jardí, portallapis, cubells d’escombraries, regadores, estels, marcs de fotografies, bosses, testos, carpetes de plàstic, etc.), que després comercialitza. Aquest procés de transformar un residu inservible en un objecte útil rep el nom d’ upcycling, o supra-reciclatge.

Jogo sobre sustentabilidade

Trash Tycoon, jogo recém lançado coloca você como um empresário verde que deve ajudar a cidade a ficar mais bonita e sustentável transformando lixo em novos produtos. (link para o aplicativo no facebook) Você limpa as ruas, coleta lixo reciclável, constrói uma fazenda de minhocas e utiliza o lixo orgânico para alimentá-las. Realizando essas tarefas você ganha pontos, experiência e dinheiro (fictício, é claro).

Reuse and Recycle, THE 3 R's - Lazy Ways to Reduce

The 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) is no longer simply a mantra for environmental activists, it’s a ticket to saving you money while you consider the planet. The 3Rs ask you to buy less, reuse more, and recycle products at the end of their useful life-wonderful guiding principles for reducing our environmental footprint and bringing our lifestyles into balance with nature. But in practice, how many of us are really willing to cut back on the stuff we want to own, to reuse what we’d like to throw out, and to recycle when doing so is often incredibly inconvenient? Fortunately for budget-conscious Lazy Environmentalists, the 3Rs are receiving a twenty-first-century facelift, making them easy to implement and even easier on the wallet.

Hair Companies Seek Greener Futures

Every little bit counts. That's why Garnier and Pureology have both worked on making their packaging greener and helping the environment one bottle ofshampoo at a time. Pureology's new Zero Waste Shampoo and Hair Conditioner Packaging has drastically decreased the amount of energy used during production and transportation of their products. The new bottle design allows consumers to use every last drop which used to be practically impossible to squeeze out. The new 100% recyclable bottles also have educational messages to consumers, providing tips on how to conserve water and recycle. Garnier has also produced greener packaging, making almost half of the new bottles out of recycled materials. They, too, are working to teach their consumers to live a green life through their partnership with TerraCycle, a company founded by a Princeton freshman in 2001 that creates national recycling systems. Back labels will educate consumers how they can reduce their personal care packaging waste and join the company's "beauty brigade," a packaging collection drive. As for Garnier's products this season, they have new conditioner technology that will be in incorporated into Triple Nutrition and Sleek & Shine, their top sellers. The opaque gel texture soaks into each strand longer, creating softer, more well-conditioned hair. As companies move to a greener future, will you be more likely to purchase their products?