Posts with term TerraCycle X

TerraCycling: Up-Cycling Nontraditional Trash

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 10, 2012
TerraCycling began as a process that turns worn waste products and packages into reused containers using fertilizer, worms, and compostation. In 2007, TerraCycle changed their business plan slightly. They began producing pouches, bags, and accessories made from up-cycled drink pouches and candy wrappers. Larger items that were non-recyclable were also up-cycled and used to create flowerpots, plastic lumber, pavers, benches, and garbage pails.
The goal of TerraCycle is to eliminate the idea of waste by creating collection and solution systems for anything that would normally be sent to a landfill. Right now, the company makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide range of different non-recyclable waste matters.
A TerrraCycling program was established in Berlin in 2010 as an effort to promote the preservation of Maryland’s natural resources. TerraCycle is a company that makes affordable, eco-friendly products from an assortment of different non-recyclable waste matters - turning something useless into something userfull. The company runs a free national collection program that pays non-profit organizations, like Grow Berlin Green, for their waste.
Grow Berlin Green is a campaign set to establish the town of Berlin, MD as a model community for participatory environmental protection, conservation, and smart growth policy and practice. Grow Berlin Green educates and engages citizens, schools, businesses, and public officials to achieve measureable impacts on a range of priority issues including: increasing conservation efforts, improving natural resources management, reducing waste, and increasing recycling efforts.
“Currently, there are two bins set up at Burbage Park on Williams Street with the other recycling containers,” said Kathy Winte, a leader of the local TerraCycling initiative, “People can deposit their TerraCycle wrappers and then it will be sorted and sent in.”
“With this program, closer to 800 pounds of non-recyclable materials have been kept out of the landfill,” continued Winte.
TerraCycling applies two different applications to these items. The first is post-consumer, where they process it into paving stones, plastic coolers, flower pots, trash bins, etc. The second is pre-consumer, where they obtain the rolls of packing material from corporations and they make tote bags, pencil cases, notebook covers, and so forth.
“We have also partnered with the local schools and some salons, Robin Walters and Headlines. The money that Grow Berlin Green receives gets turned around and goes right back towards sustainable practices,” said Winte.
The goal of the campaign is dedicated to encouraging local communities to protect our eco-systems, conserve area resources, and build our towns by using safe and smart practices.
The bins are located in the John Howard Burbage Park next to the electric company facility. A list of items, shown below, can be made into up-cycled items when treated properly.

Recycled fashion, zero waste touted for Sustainable Living expo

“We’re trying to avoid generating waste by looking at alternatives,” said Michael Brown, director of the Ecology Action Center in Normal, one of the sponsors of the event. There will be a nonrecyclable bag of potato chips in vendors’ lunches but the bags will be collected by a local group and sent to Terracycle, a company that makes products from items that can’t be recycled.

Vamos de Upcycling

Quem é que não tem um vestido de festa que nunca mais usou, uma saia, ou qualquer peça de roupa. Pensou em doar? Antes disso saiba que você transformar isso numa peça moderna e com o mesmo valor tanto fashion quanto financeiro. Essa prática antiga hoje em dia recebe até nome: upcylcing. Além de ganhar uma roupa nova, você ainda gasta menos e consume menos.

Honest Tea Launches “The Great Recycle” In Effort to Boost Recycling Nationally

In a show of support for New York City’s pledge to double recycle efforts by 2017, Honest Tea and partners GrowNYC, Recyclebank, Coca-Cola Live Positively, Global Inheritance and Five-Boro Green Services will place a 30-foot tall recycling bin in Times Square and attempt to crowd-source recycle more than 45,000 plastic, glass and aluminum beverage containers in ten hours. The plastic bottles collected will be recycled into essential gardening supplies including shovels, watering cans and plastic lumber, which will be used to build and cultivate an urban garden for PS 102, an elementary school in Harlem. “National recycling rates are nowhere near where they need to be,” says Honest Tea co-founder and TeaEO Seth Goldman. “Honest Tea is committed to finding ways to help Americans recycle more. We’ve helped install recycling bins in our hometown of Bethesda, MD and now it’s time to expand our efforts.” At the event in Times Square, bottles will act as currency. People who bring bottles down to “The Great Recycle” will be awarded points for each bottle recycled, that can be redeemed at the onsite TRASHed Recycling Store run by Global Inheritance. There, points can be redeemed for rewards such as cold bottles of Honest Tea, t-shirts and reusable bags, jeans, video games, and tickets to sporting events, concerts and Broadway shows.

Winning Consumers Dropps by Dropps

Years before there were Pods, there were Dropps. Back in 2005, Jonathan Propper, CEO of Cot’n Wash Inc., Philadelphia, listened to his wife complain about lugging laundry detergent bottles and measuring cups up and down basement steps. He knew he could find an easier way. Propper’s “Aha!” moment led to the development of Dropps Laundry Pacs and the birth of an entirely new laundry category.

Todo se transforma

Hasta los paquetitos de de jugos en polvo pueden reciclarse. Como ejemplo, la marca Tang y la organización TerraCycle, ya recolectaron medio millon de envases que seran utilizados como materia prima para fabricar mochilas, cartucheras, tarjeteros, cuadernos y bolsas amigables con el medio ambiente. La consigna es unirse en grupos (puede ser desde una familia  hasta una escuela) y juntar los sobrecitos. La novedad es que los sobres son canjeados por puntos que equivalen a dinero,  que luego se donan  a escuelas públicas o organizaciones sin fines de lucro que elijan quienes se unan para recolectar. De esta manera se puede colaborar con el medio ambiente y a su vez con  las entidades que mas lo necesiten.  Para participar www.terracycle.com.ar

Cause Marketing Lessons from the TerraCycle Experience: Albe Zakes to Present Lessons from 'Turning Waste into Wonder'

Since 2001, TerraCycle has risen from a dorm-room start-up selling worm poop-based plant food into a internationally-known growth business. Its focus: providing consumer packaged goods companies and retailers with cause marketing programs and nonprofits with fundraising opportunities. TerraCycle has over 70,000 schools and charities collecting waste globally and they have earned collectively almost 4 million dollars just by recycling more! Whether you work for a large company, a start-up or an NGO, you'll pick up valuable lessons from Global VP Albe Zakes based on Terracyle's decade of turning "waste into wonder".

What's in your waste can?

Most of the things in your room right now will eventually become garbage. That’s the simple idea that in 2001 drove college freshman Tom Szaky to launch Terracycle, a company that collects waste and converts it into new products. For example, Skittles wrappers are combined to become a kite, while Honest Tea containers become a laptop case. His unusual concept has turned Terracycle into a $16 million company with roughly 100 employees at its Trenton, N.J., headquarters. EL: How did it all begin? Szaky: We started by producing liquid worm poop in used soda bottles, because my friends were using worm poop on their plants as an organic fertilizer. That was the beginning of making products out of garbage.