Posts with term TerraCycle X

Phillippe Cousteau and the Big Clean up

We invite you and your middle and high school students to join Philippe Cousteau and distinguished guest speakers for a special webinar to kick-off The Big CleanUP, an exciting summer-long contest involving young people taking action to protect our world’s oceans. The webinar and contest is a partnership between EarthEcho, TerraCycle, and One World One Ocean with a simple mission: remove plastic from the waste stream and earn money for your school. Prizes include a school visit from Philippe Cousteau and others, film passes, and more. During this webinar, we will also explore how plastic affects the oceans, how these issues relate to classroom learning, and how young people can take a lead in protecting our oceans. Students will hear from Philippe Cousteau as well as guest speakers from TerraCycle, a national recycling system for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste, and One World One Ocean, a multi-year campaign harnessing the power of film, television and new media to restore a healthy ocean.

La Universidad de Alcalá reciclará material de papelería gastado

Bolígrafos, botes de tippex, reglas y otros materiales plásticos que habitualmente utilizamos pueden ser reciclados y fabricar después nuevos objetos. Por ello, la oficina Ecocampus ya ha dispuesto puestos de recogida en su sede y en las delegaciones de alumnos de los edificios del Campus Científico-Técnico, donde se ha puesto en marcha, inicialmente, como experiencia piloto.
Además, la colaboración en esta campaña tiene un fin benéfico. El Proyecto Terracycle se compromete a donar 2 céntimos de euro por cada objeto recuperado a la Fundación Talita, que desde 1998 atiende, ayuda y apoya a niños con dificultades de aprendizaje para que puedan desarrollar al máximo sus capacidades. Además, trabaja en la sensibilización de la sociedad para que se viva la discapacidad con normalidad.

Disposable Garment Recycling Initiative Adds Pilot Program for Gloves

After reaching key collection milestones in its cleanroom and laboratory garment recycling program's first six months, disposable garment distributor Kimberly-Clark Professionaland recycler TerraCycle are expanding their initiative to include a pilot program for gloves. Since the program's launch in October 2011, participating cleanrooms and laboratories have sent in more than 7,000 pounds of garment waste, including coveralls, hoods, boot covers, hair nets and masks, to be recycled into plastic products such as plastic lumber, park benches and picnic tables. Participating locations have requested more than 1,000 pallets of collection boxes to return additional garments, signifying that collections are on track to reach more than 350,000 pounds in coming months. Kimberly-Clark Professional and TerraCycle are actively pursuing additional locations for garment collection. "The launch of the program last fall was a tremendous success," said TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky. "The reaction to the program shows a need for recycling in this area, as well an industry desire to give a second life to garments and gloves. This new direction has been beneficial to TerraCycle, Kimberly-Clark Professional, laboratories and cleanrooms, and most importantly, the environment."

Product Review: TerraCycle Eco-friendly Toiletry Case

The Upcycled Tent Dopp Kit is made from all upcycled materials, except the zipper. It is light-weight and compact, and has the feel of a tent, since it is made from ‘the reclaimed fabric discarded in the manufacture of tents.’ The manufacturer of the bag, TerraCycle, is one of the United States leader’s in the concept of upcycling- taking useless or unused material and converting them into useful products. This little bag has a lot going for it. First, and most-important is it’s eco-friendly origins, coming from all upcycled materials, a cause almost everyone can get behind. The bags weight is a second strong feature- I have had tried many dopp kits in my travels, and this is by far the most lightweight. It is so lightweight, that I was concerned about it durability, so I decided to put it through some tests. I tried overloading it and dropping it to see if any of the seams or fabric would rip- and it passed with flying colors. I took it to the gym with me and allowed it to get comprehensively wet while I was showing, and true to it’s tent material, it held up nicely (better than many of the cheap tents I’ve bought!) It’s third very attractive feature is it’s capacity. When I pulled it out of the envelope, my first reaction was that there was no way this little bag would hold what i would need it to for an extended trip. In the process of my over-stuffing experiment, I was shocked at how much it actually took to fill the bag.

Logística reversa no mercado de proteção solar

Foi pensando nisso que a Coppertone lançou o projeto Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta, um programa que pretende coletar embalagens de protetores solares vazias (independentemente do tamanho e da marca) e transformá-las em matéria-prima novamente, como forma de substituir o material virgem e evitar que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos. Essa matéria-prima, por sua vez, pode ser utilizada na produção de novos materiais a base de plástico, como baldes, estojos e sacolas de compra reutilizáveis.

You Be The Judge

We had enough and we took our case straight to the top! All the way to the top, all the way to the Neal Supreme Court. Okay maybe it wasn't quite so drastic, but to my fantastic 4th graders we had some serious legal issues to debate and debate we did! Laura Candler from Corkboard Connections has a fun project titled Green Court Claims. Here is a summary of how we put this fun project to the test. To begin we discussed what we were all familiar with, recycling, although very few claimed they did it. The most common material that students recycled were soda cans. This led to the discussion of how there are many companies that are "going green", claiming that their products are environmentally safe. This intrigued them, and they set out on a classroom mission to find products with some type of claim. After a few short minutes they were finding all kinds of things claiming to be of recycled materials or environmentally safe. It was amazing how many items they found in a short amount of time. After our classroom scavenger hunt they were sent on their first mission. They were to go home and look for items in their own house that claimed to be "green". They came back with a wide variety of claims including tissues, cleaning products, plastic bags, and even dog food! TerraCycle Notebooks- these notebooks are made from recycled candy wrappers. It was the first time I had seen one, but I do have to admit they were fairly cool!