Posts with term TerraCycle X

Tang y TerraCycle te invitan a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012

Tang y TerraCycle se suman a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012, el show de premiaciones organizado por Nickelodeon Latinoamérica, en el que los chicos, a través de sus votos, premian a sus personajes favoritos de cine, música, deportes y televisión. Las 10 Brigadas Tang, que más sobrecitos hayan juntado desde el 1 de enero de 2012 hasta el 7 de septiembre de 2012, tendrán la posibilidad de ganarse 10 entradas cada una para asistir a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012, el súper show que se realiza en Buenos Aires por segundo año consecutivo. Además, la Brigada ganadora podrá estar en el PIT del evento, cerca de todos los artistas preferidos. ¿Cómo participar? Creando una Brigada de recolección desde  TerraCycle o Club Tang Fechas del Concurso: -          1 de enero de 2012 al 7 de septiembre de 2012: Tiempo para enviar tus sobrecitos -          12 de septiembre de 2012: Anuncio de los ganadores -          2 de octubre de 2012: Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012, Estadio Malvinas Argentinas Tang y TerraCycle continúan con el Programa Nacional de recolección y reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo, que ya logró acumular más de 1.300.000 sobres que serán reutilizados y reciclados en nuevos productos amigables con el medioambiente.

Tang y TerraCycle te invitan a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012

Tang y TerraCycle se suman a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012, el show de premiaciones organizado por Nickelodeon Latinoamérica, en el que los chicos, a través de sus votos, premian a sus personajes favoritos de cine, música, deportes y televisión. Las 10 Brigadas Tang, que más sobrecitos hayan juntado desde el 1 de enero de 2012 hasta el 7 de septiembre de 2012, tendrán la posibilidad de ganarse 10 entradas cada una para asistir a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012, el súper show que se realiza en Buenos Aires por segundo año consecutivo. Además, la Brigada ganadora podrá estar en el PIT del evento, cerca de todos los artistas preferidos. ¿Cómo participar? Creando una Brigada de recolección desde  TerraCycle o Club Tang Fechas del Concurso: -          1 de enero de 2012 al 7 de septiembre de 2012: Tiempo para enviar tus sobrecitos -          12 de septiembre de 2012: Anuncio de los ganadores -          2 de octubre de 2012: Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2012, Estadio Malvinas Argentinas Tang y TerraCycle continúan con el Programa Nacional de recolección y reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo, que ya logró acumular más de 1.300.000 sobres que serán reutilizados y reciclados en nuevos productos amigables con el medioambiente.  

You Can Recycle Some Pretty Ridiculous Stuff To Make Money

Recycling is great for the planet, saves resources and basically helps clean up our world. Many of us know that we can recycle things like plastic, paper, glass bottles and metals. However, there are many other items that you probably didn't know could be turned in for cash or a tax deduction. Here's a list of a few of them. Trash A company called TerraCycle will pay for your trash. This program works best with schools or other non-profit organizations that can collect a lot of trash. The company will donate money to your cause for every piece of trash you send the organization. According to its website, the company will take everything from empty scotch tape rolls to energy bar wrappers. TerraCycle will even pay the shipping. If you have a cause, charity or school program in need of some extra money, this could be a great way to go about raising some funds.

Sobrecitos Para reciclar

Las brigadas nacionales de recolección y reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo, lanzadas en marzo de 2011 por la marca Tang y la ong Terracycle, llevan recolectando un millón de packs, que fueron vertidos en nuevos productos ecológicos  Ademas Kraft Food que produce Tang dono mas de $10.000 a distintas organizaciones. En los últimos tres meses se recolectaron 500.000 sobres de bebidas en polvo, un numero similar se había colectado el año pasado.  

6 Things You Didn't Know You Can Recycle for Money

Recycling is great for the planet, saves resources and basically helps clean up our world. Many of us know that we can recycle things like plastic, paper, glass bottles and metals. However, there are many other items that you probably didn't know could be turned in for cash or a tax deduction. Here's a list of a few of them. Trash A company called TerraCycle will pay for your trash. This program works best with schools or other non-profit organizations that can collect a lot of trash. The company will donate money to your cause for every piece of trash you send the organization. According to its website, the company will take everything from empty scotch tape rolls to energy bar wrappers. TerraCycle will even pay the shipping. If you have a cause, charity or school program in need of some extra money, this could be a great way to go about raising some funds.

Chipping in with TerraCycle

You know those crinkly snack bags? The ones made of foil or other materials that aren't easily recyclable? Well, now someone wants them. And of course it would Tom Szaky and the folks at Trenton-based TerraCycle, who have made a successful business out of taking things no one else wants and turning them into cool products that people will buy.

TerraCycle Canada Works with Companies to Rethink Waste

"Nothing needs to go to landfill. We're about finding solutions for as many types of waste as possible," says Denise Barnard, Director of Communications at TerraCycle Canada. I spoke with Denise to better understand the company behind the ever-increasing line of products I've been noticing around me. Upcycling is now a recognizable term for using every aspect of waste to create another product. How has the Canadian market been responding to the TerraCycle line of solutions and products? If the company's growth here is any indication, it seems that Canadians are ready to help change the concept of garbage fromwaste to useful.

Recycling at the 2012 Wine Bloggers Conference

When we gather together next month in Portland, more than 350 of us will sip, blog, and share the latest and greatest in the world of wine. Throughout the weekend, corks will be “popped” and wines will be poured – leaving a huge number of used closures and empty bottles that might easily be tossed into the nearest trash can. Luckily, you will have better options! Our host hotel, the DoubleTree Portland, is Oregon’s First Green Seal Certified hotel. We will have bottle recycling containers located near our conference area and ask that you help us make sure used bottles get in the proper containers.