Posts with term TerraCycle X

L'Arche de Noé - Les Amis des Chats

L'Arche de Noé a lancé une grande récolte de stylos, feutres et autres outils d'écriture (sauf crayons de papier et crayons de couleur) usagés. En effet, une société de recyclage, Terracycle, récupère ces stylos et les recycle ensuite. Pour chaque stylo, 2 cts sont reversés à l'Arche de Noé. Cette entreprise prend en charge l'envoi des stylos vers son centre, cela ne coûte donc pas un seul centime à l'Arche de Noé et peut nous rapporter gros.

Brug for Genbrug

Dit affald er en ressource! Det er budskabet i årets kampagne i landets Grønne Butikker, også i Vamdrup. I stedet for bare at aflevere dit affald i det samme store forbrændingsanlæg, opfordrer de Grønne Butikker til, at du sorterer affaldet, og genanvender dét, som kan få nyt liv i nye sammenhænge.

Tom Szaky

By closing the loop between waste and raw material, Tom Szaky turned a dorm room project into a profitable and transformative business model. TerraCycle now churns out recycled products as varied as backpacks and dog bowls. Tom hatched the idea for TerraCycle while using worms to compost organic waste as a Princeton freshman. In “the pursuit of opportunity,” he left Princeton and formed TerraCycle, producer of the world’s first product made from waste (“worm poop”) and packaged in waste (used plastic bottles.) Despite numerous awards for TerraCycle’s business model, Tom suffered obstacles. There were “times when my team and I were totally out of money,” Tom says. “I had only one small sale to a local garden center in Princeton, and I was ready to give up, sell back the equipment, recoup as much of my losses as possible, and move on with my life.” But a well-timed invitation as a radio guest initiated an investment from a listener. They were “back in business.”

Tang y TerraCycle lanzan concurso para asistir a Kids' Choice Awards

Tang y TerraCycle anunciaron el lanzamiento de un concurso que incentiva a los niños a juntar sobrecitos de jugo para ganar entradas para los Kid’s Choice Awards Argentina 2012, el show de premiación organizado porNickelodeon Latinoamérica, que se realizarán en octubre. Los diez grupos de participantes, denominados Brigadas Tang, que más sobrecitos junten entre el 1 de enero y el 7 de septiembre de 2012, participarán por diez entradas cada una. Además, la brigada ganadora podrá estar en el espacio PIT del evento, junto al escenario. Realizado en Buenos Aires por segundo año consecutivo, los Kid’s Choice Awards permiten que los chicos, a través de sus votos, premien a sus personajes favoritos del cine, la música, el deporte y la TV. Además de apoyar el evento de Nick, Tank y TerraCycle incentivan la recolección y reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo, que ya acumuló más de 1,3 millones de sobres, que serán reutilizados y reciclados en nuevos productos amigables con el medioambiente.


Iniciativa de la Agrupación Cangrejos Solidarios.
La A grupación Cangrejos Solidarios de San José comenzará en los próximos días una nueva campaña solidaria que se sumará a la recolección de tapitas. Ambas tareas están destinadas a ayudar a Baltazar Premat, un chiquito de barrio Santa Teresita que debe someterse a un costo tratamiento médico. La actividad consistirá en juntar sobres de jugo en polvo de cualquier marca, además de tapitas y botellas plásticas. Los jóvenes se unieron al equipo de Brigada Tang, que en conjunto con Terracycle, una ONG que se ocupa de cuidar el medio ambiente, se encargarán de reciclar el material para fabricar productos tales como útiles escolares.

Group seeks laptops, cups, phones to recycle

Experience Green has partnered with TerraCycle to offer recycling for old laptops, cellphones and No. 6 plastic cups. The program collects previously nonrecyclable or hard to recycle waste and turns it into products such as tote bags, picture frames, notebooks, place mats and pots. Experience Green receives points for every item it sends to TerraCycle. TerraCycle then makes a cash donation back to the nonprofit organization.   Items are being accepted on Hilton Head Island at Burke's Pharmacy, Jiva Yoga Center and All About Pets. Experience Green will provide collection boxes and arrange for item pickup at other interested local businesses.   Details: 843-882-7616www.experiencegreen.org, info@experiencegreen.org

Center for the Performing Arts candy wrapper collection shatters goal

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- The Center for the Performing Arts has taken candy wrapper collecting to a new level. As part of a “green” initiative aimed at diverting waste from landfills while providing clean drinking water to people in developing countries, employees of the performing arts center hoped to collect 600 wrappers during the 2011-12 season, but the center has greatly exceeded its goal, collecting 6,420 wrappers.   A TerraCycle program called the Candy Wrapper Brigade awards points for each wrapper collected. The points can then be redeemed for various charitable causes. The original goal would have provided clean water for one year to four people. Collecting more than 6,000 wrappers, however, means that clean water will be made available to 43 people.   “The Center for the Performing Arts Green Team is happy to have so greatly exceeded our original goal,” said Shannon Bishop, a member of the committee that organized the collection. “In doing so, we have not only diverted thousands of wrappers from ending up in our local landfill, but we have also provided clean water to families in developing countries where access to a clean water supply is extremely limited.”