Posts with term TerraCycle X

Tom’s of Maine launches collection program for recycling

Under new “brigade,” Tom’s will accept a range of personal care product packaging, regardless of brand. New initiative launches with a sweepstakes competition. Tom’s of Maine, a provider of natural oral and personal care products, has partnered with recycler/upcycler TerraCycle to give a second life to product packaging with the launch of the Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade®. In keeping with the Tom’s of Maine stewardship model, this free collection program enables consumers to keep packaging from all Tom’s of Maine products and other brands out of landfills. To celebrate the launch, the company has announced the Tom’s of Maine Less in Landfills Sweepstakes,through which Brigade participants can earn $1,000 for the nonprofit or school of their choice. The Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade accepts toothpaste tubes and caps, mouthwash bottles and caps, deodorant/antiperspirant containers, plastic soap wrappers, and floss containers, regardless of brand. For each piece of packaging collected and sent in, the collector earns points that can be put toward charity gifts or converted to cash and paid to any school or nonprofit organization. Any individual, family, group or school can join for free, and all shipping costs are pre-paid. Through the Less in Landfills Sweepstakes, Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade leaders have up to three chances to earn even more money for their school or charity. Until Nov. 30, 2012, each shipment from a brigade location will count as an entry into the sweepstakes to win $1,000, with a maximum three entries per brigade location. Tom’s of Maine is constantly working to reduce its waste stream in Maine and in communities across the country. For example, all Tom's of Maine deodorant sticks are made of a single plastic that can be recycled from canister to cap—a first of its kind in the industry, says Tom’s—and all product boxes are made of recycled/recyclable paperboard.

TerraCycle part of the guide to charitable shopping

Protect our Earth with these ultra hip school supplies from TerraCycle – all of which are made from upcycled materials. Each product, from backpacks to pencil cases to notebooks, is upcycled from common trash items you might find in any classroom or cafeteria such as drink pouches, chip bags and granola bar wrappers. TerraCycle pays schools and charities to collect their trash and send it to them, free of charge. And for every item they receive, TerraCycle donates money to the school or a charity of the school’s choice. Sign up at http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/ and visit http://www.dwellsmart.com/Products/School-and-Art-Supplies to purchase.

Small Business Success Story: TerraCycle

George Bernard Shaw said, “Youth is wasted on the young.” If you met Tom Szaky you might disagree. At fourteen, Tom was making a five-figure salary as a web designer. By age twenty, Tom dropped out of Princeton to start TerraCycle and has successfully built a $15 million business over the last decade. His story of “upcycling” people’s trash and turning it into viable products has been covered by CNN, The New York Times, “20/20”, the “Today” show and many more. CareerFuel had the opportunity to hear firsthand how Tom achieved this success and to get his advice for would-be startups. Tom strongly recommends business plan competitions to raise initial capital, followed by angel investment. He also has some choice words about venture capitalists. Tom encourages entrepreneurs to listen to what the naysayers and the markets say and be prepared to pivot, as flexibility is key to steering your startup to success. A couple of years before Tom stared TerraCycle, another young guy named Peter Thiel founded PayPal with several others and went on to become extremely successful. Thiel has since founded a fellowship program for kids just like Tom, paying budding entrepreneurs to skip college and pursue an idea. Recipients of the Thiel Fellowship receive $100,000, no strings attached. Tom Szaky would have been a no-brainer had this program been around a decade ago! Thank you Tom and the rest of the TerraCycle team for sharing your story as part of our “How America Works” series and for inspiring others to do great things!

Tuxpan le apuesta al reciclaje por una causa social

Habitantes del municipio de Tuxpan se colocan como Brigadistas del Mes de TerraCycle por recolectar la mayor cantidad de productos de higiene bucal y bolsas de botanas para reciclar a nivel nacional. Tuxpan, Michoacán, Septiembre 2012.- Padres de familia y niños de la Organización Santiago Tuxpan A.C, localizada en el municipio de Tuxpan, recibieron el reconocimiento de Brigadistas del mes por parte de la firma TerraCycle ya que lograron recolectar 10 kilos en bolsas de botana y artículos de higiene bucal. Desde hace 40 años, gracias al apoyo de organismos internacionales y patrocinadores, la Organización Santiago Tuxpan se dedica a crear programas de educación, nutrición, salud y desarrollo de habilidades de niños con la finalidad de formar personas autosuficientes. En esta ocasión, la comunidad de la Asociación Civil decidió participar en las brigadas de recolección de TerraCycle para juntar más fondos para sus programas. La misión de la empresa TerraCycle es eliminar la idea de la basura a través de sistemas de reciclaje de materiales que normalmente no se reciclan. Tal es el caso de los empaques de papitas y galletas, bolsas de pan de caja, tubos de pasta dental y cepillos de dientes, además de sobres de bebidas en polvo. A través de las brigadas TerraCycle, cualquier persona u asociación puede ayudar a recolectar dichos materiales, y donar 25 centavos por cada producto que se envíe a una organización no lucrativa de su preferencia. La Organización Santiago Tuxpan A.C al igual que miles de personas y organizaciones en México y otros países son un gran ejemplo a seguir en las nuevas tendencias sustentables. Enrique García, líder de la brigada, comenta que planean seguir participando a largo plazo junto con TerraCycle, como muestra de su compromiso con el medio ambiente y al mismo tiempo continuar desarrollando la causa social de la asociación. Explicó también que si todas las empresas se hicieran responsables de recolectar las envolturas de sus productos, se disminuiría considerablemente la contaminación. Y es que TerraCycle, en alianza con empresas multinacionales han logrado desviar millones de envolturas y residuos post consumidor del relleno sanitario para convertirlos en nuevos productos como bolsas y lapiceras, botes de basura, bancas, entre otros productos eco amigables, así como ayudar a diferentes comunidades a tener mejores condiciones de vida. Actualmente la empresa tiene operaciones en 22 países, con más de 25 millones de personas recolectando a nivel global. En México, hay más de 6,000 equipos inscritos, en las brigadas patrocinadas por Tang, PepsiCo, Colgate y Bimbo como parte de sus programas de responsabilidad con el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Toda la información sobre TerraCycle y cómo participar en sus brigadas se encuentra en la pagina www.terracycle.com.mxo llamando sin costo al 01 800 681 1589.

Donate Office Supplies

We seem to have a lot of things at our house that we aren’t really using anymore.  Lots of old video games, sports equipment, just stuff.  Probably because we moved six years ago and I never unpacked some things – and now that we’ve moved again I’m just “rediscovering” all the things  I obviously haven’t missed!!!  My problem is I usually am not sure what to do with things we are finished with – most of it is in good shape – we just don’t use it anymore.   If you’re curious, there are some places that take things you may not think are a perfect fit for the Goodwill.  And remember – besides making you feel great when you donate – your donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions on your tax forms!  So you’re saving money by being generous.  Here are a few examples: Office Supplies – got a million pens laying around?  Printer Cartridges? Scotch tape containers?  TerraCycle will collect your old office supplies and turn them into like-new products such as park benches, flowerpots and plastic lumber.  You send it in free – and your goods get credit that you can donate to the charity of your choice.