Posts with term TerraCycle X

Werde zum Recycling-Champion!

Möchtest du etwas für die Umwelt tun und zum Recycling-Champion werden? Dann nimm zusammen mit deiner Schule an den "BIC-Schulmeisterschaften 2012" teil: Sammel dafür einfach so viele leere und defekte Stifte wie möglich - egal ob Marker, Druckbleistifte, Filzer, Kugelschreiber oder Tintenlöscher und schicke sie zum Recycling an TerraCycle. Ausgenommen sind nur Holz- und Wachsmalstifte, denn diese sind nicht zum Recyceln geeignet. Um deine Schule als Sammelteam anzumelden, gehst du einfach auf die Webseite von TerraCycle. Die Schulmeisterschaften beginnen am 24. September und enden am 30. November 2012. In dieser Zeit kann deine Klasse Stifte an TerraCycle senden.

Geldpreise zu gewinnen

Am 6. Dezember geben die Veranstalter die Sieger bekannt. Die Schule, die die meisten Stifte eingesendet hat, erhält 500 Euro. Das eifrigste Sammelteam jedes Bundeslandes gewinnt 100 Euro und bekommt zudem einen Baumsetzling, um deren Einsatz für die Umwelt zu würdigen.

CPA collects candy wrappers to stop hunger

By Kelsey Tamborrino Collegian Staff Writer
Candy bars, of all things, could help stop hunger through Feeding America and the Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State this 2012-13 play season. The CPA is involved in a program called “Candy Wrapper Brigade,” which is done through TerraCycle –– a company that creates national recycling programs. Lauren Taylor, a spokeswoman for TerraCycle, said anybody can sign up to be involved and wrappers can be collected in any way. Shannon Bishop, the downtown ticket manager for the Center for the Performing Arts said for every wrapper the CPA collects, it gets two points. The points can be redeemed on the TerraCycle website and can be used to “essentially buy things.” The CPA participated in this fundraiser last season and had “enough points to buy clean water for people in developing nations,” Bishop said. This year, TerraCycle is partnered with Feeding America, Bishop said, and the CPA aims to provide meals to malnourished children. The process, she said, is very simple. TerraCycle sends already marked postage and the CPA sends in the wrappers. “TerraCycle works with companies that recycle or upcycle the wrappers,” Bishop said. “They aim to collect items that typically aren’t recycled.” Once wrappers are collected and sent back to TerraCycle, they are shredded, melted and turned into plastic, to eventually be turned into another product, Taylor said. The CPA endorsed the fundraiser pertaining to candy wrappers because candy bars are sold at concessions at the theater and it was an item the CPA felt people would have a lot of, Bishop said. “We wanted to keep the wrappers out of our trash and out of landfills,” she said. This year the CPA’s goal is to collect 5,000 candy wrappers. “Last year our goal was to collect 600 wrappers, we ended up collecting 6,000,” Bishop said. “We appreciate that the [CPA] staff is raising awareness about recycling candy wrappers along with other products and packaging that would normally get sent to the local landfill, and feeding hungry people at the same time,” Taylor said. For those interested, there are two locations to drop off wrappers, Bishop said. The first is at the Eisenhower Auditorium. Bishop said there is a can right inside the front door in the vestibule near the brochure rack. Students can drop their wrappers off during normal business hours or during a performance. The other location is at the ticket window of the Penn State Downtown Theater Center, 146 S. Allen St., Bishop said. “I like to encourage students that they can send wrappers through the inner-office mail, too,” she said. “We’re planning to do it through the 2012-13 season, and hope to continue as long as TerraCycle is in business,” Bishop said. The Office of Sustainability at Penn State has a five-level program that gives a list of things to do campus-wide that are practical and promote sustainability, Bishop said. She said that the “Candy Wrapper Brigade” is more specific to the CPA. According to the Green.PSU website, “Penn State has been a leader in many aspects of sustainability education and operations.” “The Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State is doing an incredible job of helping the planet and other people,” Taylor said

Cleaning Up the Beaches of Massachusetts

Beaches, Butts and Straws

Last weekend brought beautiful weather to Massachusetts.  It was warm with just a hint of fall peeking through.   I love these days!  Best of all, I was able to spend Sunday afternoon with my daughter and her Girl Scout troop on a beautiful beach in Gloucester, MA called Wingaersheek.  I had never been here before.  It is so picturesque and the sand is as fine and soft as powder.  It even has the stereotypical New England light house in the distance!
Now, remember, I was there with girl scouts.  We weren't there to just have fun.  We were there, along with about 50 other girl scouts, to clean up the beach.  Honestly, we all thought “Really, they picked this beach for us to clean up?  I don’t see anything.”
But we started looking.  And we found trash.  The 2 most found items:  cigarette butts and straws!  It was amazing how many we found. 
I recently learned that cigarette butts take anywhere from 18 months to 10 years to break down.  The filter is actually a form of plastic called cellulose acetate.  It is very slow to break down and contains tar – a toxin. Yet another source for ground and water pollution. It is estimated that trillions of cigarette butts litter the world each year. Cigarettelitter.org estimates they are the most littered item worldwide!  During the Coastal Cleanup Day in 2000, 230,000 cigarette butts were found on California beaches.  TerraCycle is attempting to upcycle cigarette butts in Canada.  The cigarette butts will be turned into plastic pallets for industrial use.
After cleaning up the beach I can totally see how cigarette butts can be the most littered item.  They were everywhere.  They are so small I’m guessing smokers don’t think it’s such a big deal.  But boy does it add up!
Straws and the waste they generate have been a topic for many environmentalists.  Milo Cress started the Be Straw Free Campaign at age 9 to reduce the 500 million straws used each day.  Do you really need a straw?  Think about it.  At a restaurant, you could probably do without one.  Refusing a single straw may not seem like you are making a big dent in the 500 million, but you might just prompt a conversation with someone else and get them to refuse a straw next time.  Just like that old shampoo commercial, “And they’ll tell 2 friends, and so on and so on and so on….”
Now there are times when I really like a straw.  Did you know there are reusable straws?  We have stainless steel straws, others are madeof glass and are available online.  Beth Terry, author of Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You CanToo, carries one in her purse to use when in restaurants.  By the way, I totally recommend reading Beth's book.  Lots of great information and plenty of do-able actions.

Branchburg Woman's Club aiding the TerraCycle Paired Shoe Project

On Saturday, Oct. 13, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Branchburg Woman's Club will host an indoor craft show and bake sale at Branchburg Central Middle School, 220 Baird Road, across from White Oak Park. The craft show features handmade crafts, a bake sale, a cafe and door prizes. This community fundraiser benefits club’s philanthropic fund for charitable donations and student awards. There is free admission and free parking. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Featured crafts include handmade chocolates, cookie pops, sea glass and fused-glass jewelry, floral arrangements, themed gift baskets, pottery, baby gifts, photo art, cards and pet gifts. Doll collectors will find clothes and accessories for 'American Girl'-sized dolls and wooden doll furniture. Home decor items will include carved wood wares, stained glass decorations, soy candles, holiday ornaments, handmade collectibles and more. For the fashion conscious, there will be a wide variety of handbags, totes, apparel, plus crocheted and knitted accessories. Too many shoes taking up closet space? If your family has still-usable, but no-longer-needed shoes or boots, consider donating them to the new Terracycle Paired Shoe Project, which benefits the club's philanthropic fund. There will be a collection box inside the entrance of the craft show.

Concord Elementary Working with TerraCycle

Concord Elementary School students continued eco-friendly project over summer
Students at Concord Elementary School, an Oregon Green School, recycled 13,000 wrappers, ink cartridges, cell phones and juice pouches this summer.
The work was part of the TerraCycle program, which takes the collected items and turns them into items such as backpacks whose sale benefits the school.

BIC Schulmeisterschaften 2012

Kugelschreiber, Druckbleistifte, Marker, Filzstifte – einmal aufgebraucht füllen sie die Mülleimer der Klassenzimmer. Warum nicht damit Geld verdienen? Schulen, die bis zum 30. November 2012 leere Stifte sammeln statt sie wegzuwerfen, können bis zu 600 € gewinnen.

Terracycle: Schulwettbewerbe zum Thema Recycling

Ob Trinkpacks in der Schule recyceln, oder mit Stiftesammeln zum Recycling-Champion werden, Terracycle und dessen Partner locken mit tollen Gewinnen. Vom 24. September bis zum 30. November 2012 starten Schüler bei dem deutschlandweiten Wettbewerb „Der erfrischende Schulstart 2012“ aktiv ins neue Schuljahr. Der Trinckpacks-Wettbewerb Capri SonneWer in diesem Zeitraum die meisten leeren Trinkpacks an das Upcycling- und Recycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle schickt, gewinnt 100 Euro, die er an eine gemeinnützige Organisation seiner Wahl spenden kann. Unter allen, die mehr als 200 Trinkpacks sammeln, werden außerdem monatlich 150 Trinkpacks der neuen „Capri-Sonne Bio-Schorly Gelbe Früchte“ verlost. So funktioniert es Um am „Erfrischenden Schulstart 2012“ teilzunehmen, melden sich die Schulen auf der Internetseite von TerraCycle als Sammelteam an – und schon kann das Sammeln losgehen. Die leeren Trinkpacks aller Sorten, von der traditionellen Capri Sonne bis zur neuen Bio-Schorly, werden einfach in einen Karton gepackt und kostenlos verschickt. Schulen ermöglicht der Wettbewerb nicht nur Spenden zu generieren, sondern auch Abfall zu 100% wiederzuverwerten und damit einen aktiven Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten. TerraCycle stellt dann aus den gesammelten Trinkpacks neue, umweltfreundliche Produkte wie Gießkannen oder Parkbänke her. Deutschlands erstes Sammel- und Recyclingprogramm für Trinkpacks wurde von Capri-Sonne in Kooperation mit TerraCycle initiiert. Nicht nur Schulen, sondern auch Vereine, Organisationen und Unternehmen, können so ihre Abfälle kostenlos recyceln. Auf terracycle.de finden Interessierte weitere Informationen über das Programm und die Möglichkeit einer kostenlosen Anmeldung. Der Stiftesammeln-Wettbewerb Stifte von BICKugelschreiber, Druckbleistifte, Marker oder Filzstifte – in der Schule werden sie ständig benutzt. Einmal aufgebraucht füllen sie die Mülleimer der Klassenzimmer. Warum also nicht aufbewahren und Geld damit verdienen? Schulen, die vom 24. September bis zum 30. November 2012 leere Stifte sammeln statt sie wegzuwerfen, können bis zu 600 € gewinnen. Bei den „BIC Schulmeisterschaften 2012“ treten Schulen aus ganz Deutschland gegeneinander an. Die Schule, die während des Wettbewerbs die meisten leeren oder defekten Stifte an das Upcycling- und Recycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle schickt, wird mit einem Preisgeld von 500 € belohnt. Das fleißigste Sammelteam jedes Bundeslandes erhält jeweils 100 € sowie einen Baumsetzling als Anerkennung für sein Umweltengagement. Die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs werden am 6. Dezember bekanntgegeben. Um an den „BIC Schulmeisterschaften 2012“ teilzunehmen, melden sich die Schulen auf der Internetseite von TerraCycle als Sammelteam an – und schon kann das Sammeln losgehen. Eingeschickt werden können leere Kugelschreiber, Filzstifte, Fineliner, Füller, Druckbleistifte, Marker, Tintenlöscher und Korrekturmittel aller Marken, ausgenommen sind nur Holz- und Wachsmalstifte. Die Einsendung der Pakete ist für alle Schulen kostenlos. Auch außerhalb des Wettbewerbs lohnt sich das Müllsammeln: Für jeden eingeschickten Stift erhalten die Sammelteams 2 Cent, die sie dann an eine gemeinnützige Organisation ihrer Wahl spenden können. TerraCycle verwendet die eingeschickten Abfallmaterialien zu 100% wieder und stellt daraus neue Produkte wie Stiftehalter, Parkbänke oder Gießkannen her.