Posts with term TerraCycle X

Didacta Schweiz 2012 mit grünem Extra: Neues Recyclingprogramm für Stifte belohnt Umweltengagement der Didacta-Besucher

Einen verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit der Umwelt und den natürlichen Ressourcen, das möchte das Konzept der Umweltbildung erreichen. Ein Recycling-Programm für Stifte, das auf der Didacta Schweiz vom 24. bis 26. Oktober 2012 in Basel vorgestellt wird, bietet Lehrpersonen und Verantwortliche des Bildungsbereichs neue Ansatzpunkte für das Thema Umwelt im Schulunterricht. Wie das Recycling-Programm funktioniert, können Didacta-Besucher auf der Messe gleich selbst ausprobieren. Sie geben leere Kugelschreiber, Textmarker oder Filzstifte am Stand des Stifteherstellers BIC, Halle 1.0 /A39, ab und erhalten als Dankeschön die neuen Schreibutensilien der Ökolinie günstiger. Die leeren Stifte werden gesammelt, an das Recycling- und Upcycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle geschickt und dort zu neuen Produkten wie Stiftehaltern oder Gießkannen verarbeitet. Für Schulen ist das erste Recycling-Programm für leere Stifte in der Schweiz, das Société BiC Suisse S.A. gemeinsam mit TerraCycle ins Leben gerufen hat, besonders interessant: Lehrer können die Recycling-Aktionen im Unterricht einsetzen, um Schülerinnen und Schüler für Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz zu sensibilisieren und aktiv in den Prozess des Recycling von Abfällen einzubinden. Mitmachen ist kostenlos, schont Ressourcen und dient zudem noch einem guten Zweck: Jeder Stift ist 2 Rappen wert, die TerraCycle dann an eine gemeinnützige Organisation spendet.

Top 15 Most Fabulous and Green Products of 2012

This is about the time your favorite retailers – and loved ones – start dropping hints about shopping for the holidays so I figured I’d enter the fray with my list of The Top 15 Most Fabulous and Green Products of 2012. Hear why I think these items are fabulous and green, see pictures on my website and add these items to your list. And don’t worry about giving me credit when the giftee says “Ohhh, how thoughtful; this is perfect.” Noone has to know you heard it from me  A few hints to get your shopping juices flowing: 1. Nostalgic gift for the Baby Boomer on your list 2. Something for the person who’s been there/done that! 3. Perfect for the entrepreneur/systems person/orchestrator of world peace

A tour of TerraCycle's tastefully trash-strewn headquarters

TerraCycle is a company renowned for turning trash into treasure. Here's an inside look at the graffiti-clad warehouse in Trenton, N.J. where much of the upcycling magic happens.Late last week, I had the pleasure of touring the Trenton, N.J. offices of TerraCycle, a “waste solution development” firm with the most admirable mission to "eliminate the idea of waste."
Unfamiliar with TerraCycle? Well, if you’ve ever seen or owned a tote bag made from Dorito wrappers, a coupon holder made from tortilla packaging, or a Christmas tree skirt made from Capri Sun pouches, chances are that it came from TerraCycle. And, of course, there’s the company’s signature product, launched in 2001 by vermicomposting Princeton student-turned-eco-entrepreneur Tom Szaky: liquefied worm poop plant fertilizer packaged in recycled plastic two-liter soda bottles.
In addition to liquefied worm poop and trashy handbags, TerraCycle offers dozens upon dozens of additional consumer products made from recycled and upcycled materials ranging from plastic lumber lawn furniture to M&M’s wrapper kites. (More provocative prototype designs such as wall clocks made from pregnancy tests and picture frames made from cigarette butts do exist, but don’t expect to find them on the shelves at your local Target ... at least, yet). Of the mostly pre-consumer waste collected by TerraCycle (more on that in a bit), 95 percent is recycled, 4 percent is upcycled, and 1 percent is reused. To date the company has collected over 2,432,696,434 units of waste.
So how does TerraCycle amass all the raw materials for their products? As mentioned, a majority is sent to TerraCycle as pre-consumer waste by various companies. The rest of it — the hard/impossible to recycle post-consumer waste that many folks end up tossing in the garbage — is largely collected through the company's popular Brigades program. Most, but not all, Bridgades have point-raising incentives and are often instituted as fundraising schemes at schools and nonprofit organizations. Alternately, the points earned through collecting waste and sending it to TerraCycle can also be used towards charitable contributions. TerraCycle Brigades span across a wide range of categories usually paired with a corporate sponsor: Fllip-flops, toothbrushes, chip bags, wine pouches, Solo cups, printer cartridges, energy bar wrappers, and the list goes on and on. Most recently, the company launched a Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade, which also entails a sweepstakes.

Eco-Friendly Storage; TerraCycle's storage bin

For an eco-friendly storage option, reused vintage trunks are just what the doctor ordered, serving as a kitschy end table or coffee table while also providing you more space to put stuff. Yard sales and Craigslist are great places to find these. Other eco-friendly options include the Way Basics storage cubes (found at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target, and Amazon) and Terracycle’s recycled plastic storage bin. I love the Way Basics cubes because you can mix and match the colors to suit any room or style. Of course, not to be outdone, the Container Store also has some eco-friendly storage options, many made from bamboo. And for even more eco-friendly storage options for your kitchen, don’t forget to check out MNN blogger Matt Hickman’s recent post.

Seven Tricks to a Green Halloween #3

3. Give candy wrappers a second life. If you simply must eat the candy Halloween brings—admittedly, most of us do—try something unique with those Snickers wrappers. For the craft-minded, take on a project like this colorful pouch or these cute barrettes. For a simple solution, send the trash to TerraCycle’s Candy Wrapper Brigade. The company, which donates two cents for every waste unit collected, takes wrappers of any size candy and from any brand. Poof, your garbage becomes a notebook, a tote bag, even a park bench. Since the Brigade began three years ago, nearly 5.5 million wrappers have been upcycled instead of heading to a landfill.

Bienvenue sur le site de l'AIPEB à Saint Yrieix sur Charente (16710) Edito

Afin de sensibiliser les enfants au tri sélectif et de favoriser une démarche éco-citoyenne, l’Association Indépendante des Parents Elèves de Bardines et la mairie, en partenariat avec les équipes éducatives, viennent de mettre en place une zone de collecte sous le préau de l'école maternelle La Marelle. D’autres zones seront aussi installés dans les préaux de l'école primaire Claude Roy, au centre de loisirs Ludarédie, à la mairie et à l'Esplanade.