Posts with term TerraCycle X

Kick-It 3v3 Soccer Tournament

The Kick-It 3v3 Soccer Tournament is coming to the Atlanta area July 27 & 28 with Entenmann's Bakery and recycling pioneer TerraCycle. Entenmann's will offer free samples of Little Bites and have recycling bins for the empty packaging which will be sent to TerraCycle for recycling. For more information, registration and details about the tournament please visit www.kickit3v3.com.

RECYCLE: Company turns cigarette butts, other trash into products

If you feel guilty when you throw away a butter tub, deodorant tube or other trash, check out some of the recycling programs from the Trenton, N.J.-based company TerraCycle.cigarette_butts The company has 40 programs for collecting and recycling everything from candy wrappers and juice pouches to Solo cups and tape dispensers. The trash is turned into new products such as park benches and backpacks, some of which can be found at Target and Walmart. One of the programs, known as The Cigarette Waste Brigade, is run by TerraCycle and the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. Members of the public are asked to collect extinguished cigarettes, filters, loose tobacco pouches, outer plastic packaging, inner foil packaging, rolling paper and ash, which are turned into plastic pallets and other products. (The cardboard boxes are not accepted  since they can be recycled through municipal programs.) When it’s time to send in the waste, a free shipping label can be printed out from TerraCycle web site. The company was founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky when he was a Princeton University student. TerraCycle began producing organic fertilizer by packaging liquified “worm poop” in used soda bottles. More than 40 million people nationwide participate in the recycling programs, diverting more than 2.5 billion pieces of waste from landfills, according to a company news release.

Boyle's Woodlawn school wins $300 by recycling through the Lunch Kit Brigade

The students and teachers at Woodlawn Elementary School were rewarded with $300 and an official TerraCycle collection bin through the Lunch Kit Regional Rally, a contest sponsored by TerraCycle and Lunchables Lunch Combinations. The school won simply by recycling traditionally non-recyclable waste through the Lunch Kit Brigade, a free recycling program that accepts lunch kit plastic trays, lunch kit plastic lids, lunch kit plastic film and outer wrapping, and lunch kit contents packing, regardless of brand. For each piece of waste collected through this free program, the students and teachers at Woodlawn Elementary School earn points that can be put toward charity gifts or converted to cash and paid right back to the school. TerraCycle recycles the collected material into various products, including trash cans, picnic tables and watering cans. “Woodlawn Elementary School is among the top collecting schools nationwide in the Lunch Kit Brigade. (Its) efforts have not only helped their school and community, but also the planet by proving small changes can made a global impact,” said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle CEO. “I’m delighted to reward the students and teachers for their recycling efforts by giving the school a well-deserved monetary donation and an official collection bin.” To encourage schools to send less to landfills, Lunchables Lunch Combinations gave a total of $1,440 to participants across the country. The winners were chosen based upon the amount of lunch kit packaging that was collected by the participants.

Have a red, white, blue, and green 4th of July!

Fireworks can unleash a shower of toxins into soil and water, and scientists are only beginning to figure out what that means for human health. This patriotic season, consider the effects of the chemicals and propellants used in the production of the firework display exploding before your eyes. Think about the rain of chemicals, unseen, wafting through the air, to land on you, your children, the land and the water around you. Read more about fireworks and their affects on the environment here: http://www.greenerideal.com/science/8520-are-fireworks-bad-for-the-environment/ Be sure to eat local fruits and vegetables, use reusable party ware, a gas grill or solar oven, and eliminate waste. If you do have waste such as chip bags, then please send them to TerraCycle through their collection program. TerraCycle has a solution for getting rid of all the non-recyclable waste from the Fourth and other summer parties through its collection program, the TerraCycle Brigade program. Anyone can send non-recyclable packaging from summer events – such as chip bags, napkin wrapping or plastic cups – to TerraCycle free of charge to be recycled or even repurposed into new, useful and innovative products.http://www.terracycle.net/

Waste Not

Even the Ivy League isn't immune to dropouts. Tom Szaky -- a Canadian who didn't know that Princeton was in New Jersey until he got to campus -- left college after two years. Szaky was on fall break during freshman year in Montreal when he saw a bountiful weed (yes, that kind of weed) harvest that owed its success to worm and organic waste. The light bulb went off, and he began packaging worm waste in used soda bottles that later ended up on the shelves of Home Depot and Walmart. Over the next year, he would head home after class and work on his business, the way college basketball players head to the gym to work on their free throws. He didn't solicit help from professors and says the faculty was "hands-off" in that respect. By his sophomore year, TerraCycle was taking off -- he had a logo, a name and a diversified body of products -- and it was now or never. "I would have loved to stay in school, but TerraCycle was starting to grow and I was putting more time into it," says Szaky, 28, also a member of the AOL Small Business Board of Directors. "I took a semester off, which turned into a permanent leave." The business has evolved since 2003 -- kites made of Oreo wrappers and picture frames wrapped in bicycle chains, part of the company's "upcycling" line of products, helped catapult revenues to $7.5 million in 2009 -- but he still spends time on campus as a guest lecturer and thinks teaching could be a fun career down the road. For now, he's focused on waste, and he's able to indulge his inner dork with the science of composting. Looks like he didn't need that behavioral economics degree after all, much like other dropouts who felt the need to quit school and carpe diem. "I have nothing against school," says Szaky, author of Revolution in a Bottle. "TerraCycle was happening, and that was the decision at the moment."

Suzy Barreau, Responsable de TerraCycle France

« Éliminer la notion de déchets ». Si le concept en fait rêver plus d’un, Terra Cycle lui y travaille ! Fondée en 2001 par Tom Szaky aux États-Unis, cette entreprise se développe aujourd’hui mondialement grâce à un concept innovateur et révolutionnaire. Suzy Barreau, la responsable France de Terra Cycle, a répondu à nos questions…

Nègrepelisse. Les écoliers ont découvert tri, composteur et biodigesteur

Trois écoles de la Communauté de Communes des Terrasses et Vallée de l’Aveyron s’étaient engagées dans l’opération pilote «améliorons le tri sélectif à l’école». Pour la 3e année, les écoles de Bioule et Montricoux, poursuivaient l’opération pilote. L’école de Nègrepelisse était la nouvelle venue dans la démarche. Le Syndicat départemental des déchets de Tarn-et-Garonne (SDD 82), en partenariat avec le CPIE Midi-Quercy, a poursuivi ainsi ses actions de sensibilisation : la prévention et la réduction des volumes des déchets demeurant son objectif principal pour les années à venir.