Posts with term TerraCycle X

University School of Jackson Earns Money By Recycling Drink Pouches

University School of Jackson students earn money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches they use at home and in the lunchroom. USJ students have just reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun’s Drink Pouch Brigade milestone contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches, according to a news release. To date, the students have earned $1,973.03 for their school by collecting the drink pouches. The Drink Pouch Brigadeis a free recycling program that rewards people for collecting and sending their waste to TerraCycle to be recycled or upcycled, the release said. The Milestone Program began in September 2013 when Capri Sun added prizes for collecting certain amounts. Now, in addition to the money they earn for each piece of waste collected, participants can win prizes made from recycled drink pouches, such as park benches, recycling bins, a playground, and other fun rewards. “The Milestone Program is meant to inspire individuals and organizations to collect more waste while receiving prizes for their achievements,” said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle in the release. “It is rewarding to see the students and administration get so involved in making this work. It’s an incredible achievement to have kept so many pouches out of the waste stream.” Thousands of other schools across the United States participate in the Drink Pouch Brigade. To learn more about the program or to sign up, visit www.terracycle.com. The program is free to any interested organization or individual, and all shipping costs are paid. In addition, for each piece of waste received, participants earn money for a charity of their choice.

Mesa School Helps Local Charity With Recycling Efforts

A local elementary school has raised more than $1,000 for charity by recycling Capri Sun drink pouches. Las Sendas Elementary School has collected nearly 80,000 pouches during its drive and raised more than $1,300 in the process. Annie Brown, a first-grade teacher at Las Sendas Elementary in Mesa, said she first began to collect Capri Sun drink pouches about three and a half years ago when a child in her class asked to collect them for a project conducted by his mother, a fifth-grade teacher at another school. Brown and her class sent the pouches home with the student at first but later decided to collect pouches themselves. “This was something doable. The kids can be very much involved in it on an everyday basis,” Brown said. The Drink Pouch Brigade, a recycling incentive program by TerraCycle, involves 40,000 schools across the country sending in the Capri Sun drink pouches many kids drink every day. The program, which began in 2007, took off when Capri Sun joined in 2008. It recently started the Milestone Program with rewards for schools, groups or individuals who reach certain recycling goals. “The program is free to anybody,” said Lauren Taylor, director of U.S. public relations for TerraCycle. “A school can sign up, individuals can sign up. It’s really a great opportunity to teach about recycling.” Taylor said the program is simple and convenient to use. Pouches just need to be empty and in some sort of shippable container; there is no need to process them at all. Shipping labels can be printed from the company’s website. TerraCycle pays 2 to 3 cents for each pouch, depending on the volume sent in, and schools can keep the proceeds or choose a charity to have a check sent to. Las Sendas has sent in 18,000 pouches just since the Milestone Program began, not counting the estimated 60,000 before then. The school donates its proceeds to Arizona Brainfood — a group that sends backpacks of food home for the weekend with local children in need. “It’s easy to participate,” said Taylor. “Put in the tax ID number where you want the money to go and start collecting. We have schools that design really incredible collection bins. It can be a very formal or informal program at the school.” With more than 78,000 locations, the Drink Pouch Brigade program has collected more than 2 million units and raised more than $4 million dollars.

T.L. Rodes Elementary joins hands with TerraCycle, Inc.

T.L. Rodes Elementary School won on the third level of a recy- cling contest last month. The school provided TerraCycle Inc. with 40,000 Capri Sun pouches. The corporation in exchange will congratulate T.L. Rodes with a vinyl banner, 50 TerraCycle wrist- bands and over $1,200. Where will the money go that the school will receive? “Rebecca Reeves, a teacher at T.L. Rodes, says that no definite decisions have been made about what the money will be used for, but she thinks that at least part of it will be used to add some equipment to the play ground.” Rachel Zuckerman, TerraCy-cle Inc. representative, said. The Drink Pouch Brigade® is a free recy-cling program that re-wards people for collect- ing and sending their waste to TerraCycle to be recycled or up- cycled. The Milestone Program began in September 2013, when Capri Sun added prizes for col- lecting certain amounts. Now, in addition to the money they earn for each piece of waste collected, participants can win prizes made from recycled drink pouches, such as park benches, recycling bins, a play- ground and other fun rewards.
An esti- mated 78,236 col- lection loca- tions are involved in The Drink Brigade, in- cluding schools, homes, etc. In addition, the Brigade has raised $4,135,046, thus far. TerraCycle has been collecting drink pouch- es for several years; since 2007, a total of 214,998,780 drink pouches have been reported. “Hopefully, T.L. Rodes will continue to participate every year and receive an even higher level next time,” Rachel said.
TerraCycle Inc. is an interna- tional up-cycling and recycling company that takes difficult-to- recycle-packaging and turns it into affordable, innovative prod- ucts. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle is the world’s leader in the collec- tion and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with more than 30 major brands in the U.S. and around the world to collect used packaging and products that would other- wise be destined for landfills.
It repurposes that waste into new, innovative materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through Ter- raCycle’s Brigade programs, which are free fund-raisers that pay for every piece of waste col- lected and returned. Capri Sun Milestone Hit The Inquisitor 6-27-14

Du stylo usagé à la Récré des Trois-Curés

Mercredi était organisée une sortie à la Récré des Trois-Curés, à Milizac, en partenariat avec Planète loisirs ados et la maison de quartier de Kérinou (secteur enfance et secteur jeunesse). Planète loisirs ados est un centre de loisirs pour enfants porteurs de handicap et valides. Le projet de l'association est de favoriser la rencontre et le partage de temps de loisirs et d'activités entre enfants dans la région brestoise. « Cette sortie est aidée financièrement par la ville, grâce à l'action Terracycle. Les enfants et jeunes de Kérinou ayant recyclé un maximum de crayons, la ville leur remet un chèque de 140 € », explique Ysaline Arzel, animatrice de Planète loisirs ados. La mise en place du circuit de recyclage des feutres, stylos, marqueurs et correcteurs usagés par le service fournitures de Brest Métropole Océane est effective depuis décembre 2012, avec le soutien logistique de Terracycle. 46 kg collectés en un peu plus d'une année. Afin de récompenser ces apports de matière à recycler, Terracycle verse deux centimes d'euro par instrument collecté. C'est ainsi que l'association de la Ferme Jestin a reçu un chèque de 140 € lui permettant de financer une partie de sa sortie à la Récré des Trois-Curés, mercredi. L'association a été choisie afin de récompenser sa très grande participation aux 46 kg collectés en un peu plus d'une année.