Posts with term TerraCycle X

Idén is csikket gyűjthetünk

A Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége nagy figyelmet fordít környezetünk védelmére. Az MSZÉSZ által szervezett Zöld Szálloda programhoz idén is 38 tagszálloda csatlakozott. A szövetség környezetvédelmi tevékenységéhez jól illeszkedik az alábbi kezdeményezés.

Környezetvédelem - cigarettacsikk újrahasznosítás

A Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége nagy figyelmet fordít környezetünk védelmére. Az MSZÉSZ által szervezett Zöld Szálloda programhoz idén is 38 tagszállodánk csatlakozott. Szövetségünk környezetvédelmi tevékenységéhez jól illeszkedik az alábbi kezdeményezés. Javasoljuk, hogy az Önök szállodája is csatlakozzon ehhez.

New Jersey Schools Receive Grants to Reduce Waste from the Wrigley Company Foundation

New Jersey Schools Receive Grants to Reduce Waste from the Wrigley Company Foundation. School's Efforts Earn Them Awards with National Wildlife Federation's Eco-Schools USA Program. National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA program has teamed up with the Wrigley Company Foundation to help schools engage in recycling and waste reduction efforts through the implementation of the Eco-Schools program. Eight schools in New Jersey participated in the campaign and five have already been awarded the NWF Eco-Schools USA Bronze Award for their efforts in reducing waste in the school.  Since the start of the campaign, 25,460 pounds of waste has been reduced or diverted to recycling.  

KEEPING UP WITH ROSELAND: Schools are back; Farmers Market runs till Nov. 7

Help raise money for the Roseland Farmers Market and Sustainable Roseland as well as helping the environment in general by bringing empty personal care and beauty product containers to the market through the last day of the regular season on Nov. 7.   TerraCycle will give points for each item sent in to them. Simply bring empty containers to the Roseland Farmers Market and drop them off in specially marked boxes at the Farmers Market Committee Booth. Here is what they are accepting: Hair care packaging such as shampoo bottles and caps, conditioner bottles and caps, hair gel tubes and caps, hair spray bottles and triggers and hair paste plastic jars and caps. Skin care packaging such as lip balm tubes, face soap dispensers and tubes, face lotion bottles, tubes and plastic jars, body wash containers, soap tubes and dispensers, body lotion dispensers and bottles, shaving foam tubes (no cans),and hand lotion bottles and tubes. Cosmetics packaging such as lipstick cases, lip gloss tubes, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, bronzer cases, foundation packaging and bottles, powder cases, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eye shadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks and lip liner pencils. Aerosol cans, nail polish bottles and nail polish remover bottles are not acceptable.