Posts with term Include New Zealand X

Recycling the unrecyclable

Kiwis are used to throwing their candy wrappers straight into the trash, but TerraCycle – which launches in New Zealand today – wants to change that habit. The company, which specialises in recycling materials normally just thrown in the trash, already operates in 23 other countries – including the UK and Canada – and sees New Zealand as a great place to launch an assault on the Asian market.

TerraCycle’s sweet solution launches in New Zealand

A global upcycling and recycling company called TerraCycle has recently launched onto the New Zealand market. They are already operating in 23 countries, where they run free recycling programmes for more than 75 different difficult-to-recycle rubbish items. In New Zealand, the company will be recycling confectionary wrappers and for each item, two cents will be donated to a school or charity organisation of the collector’s choice.