Zero-Waste Beauty Products That Will Help Make Your Routine a Little Greener

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woman shopping for beauty products in a shop From swearing off chemicals and exclusively sourcing local, organic ingredients to opting for compostable packaging (or no packaging at all!), there's a new wave of eco-friendly makeup and skincare brands taking over the green beauty industry. And these makers aren't just greenwashing their products with buzzwords like "all-natural" on their bottles and calling it a day. They're making it their mission to ensure you feed your skin the purest ingredients nature has to offer while manufacturing more mindfully to keep their environmental footprint as small as possible.   But what exactly is a "zero-waste" product? As a whole, the term zero-waste means striving to create just that: no waste. In terms of product design, this can mean everything from completely recyclable or reusable packaging to production powered by renewable resources, all of which result in nothing going to waste or landfills. Zero-waste production may also mean working to source only local ingredients as this reduces energy spent on transportation and keeps chemicals out of the environment, respectively.   For brands like New York City-based LOLI, zero-waste means choosing responsibly-sourced, food-grade ingredients for its serums, masks, and toners instead of conventional synthetics and chemicals (which can be harsh on the skin and on the environment). For the makers of Canadian beauty brand, Elate, "zero-waste" is also about conscious packaging. By opting for reusable bamboo compacts and offering blush and foundation refills in easily recyclable aluminum tins, they can avoid single-use plastic, a material that has become an increasingly dangerous threat to our health and the health of our planet. As for body care line by Humankind, their shampoo bars (which work just like soap bars that you lather in your hair) skip plastic packaging altogether and their deodorant comes in refillable containers.   Want to see who else is shaking up the sustainable beauty game? Read ahead to discover our favorites, and learn about the simple changes you can make to make the world a greener place.