Yes, there’s a way to recycle those Swiffer dusters, pads

TerraCycle Include USA Swiffer
As every consumer faces the rising costs of a shrinking market of what can and cannot be recycled, more manufacturers are stepping forward with programs of their own.   The latest is Swiffer, which has partnered with waste management company TerraCycle. The new Swiffer Recycling Program allows you to send in Swiffer mopping, sweeping and dusting pads as well as the dusters for recycling.   If TerraCycle’s name sounds familiar, that’s because last year it worked with Tacoma’s DaVita Kidney Care Center with its Kitchen Separation Zero Waste Boxes.   ·         The Swiffer program is the latest in its corporate recycling programs and its “recycle everything” promotions of free recycling programs funded by brands, manufacturers and retailers. · ·         The latest announcement is timely, given the recent headlines of local recycling fee increases and entities such as Goodwill struggling with their own recycling challenges.   According to Monday’s news release from TerraCycle announcing the new Swiffer program: “Once collected, the waste is broken down, separated by material and the plastics are cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products.”   Once you’ve joined TerraCycle’s program, you can then collect the accepted Swiffer recyclables in a box at home and then mail in the waste using a prepaid shipping label.   There’s also the option, once signed up, to earn points that can be used for charity gifts or converted to cash and donated to a nonprofit, school or charitable organization of your choice.   For more program details and to sign up, go to https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/swiffer.