Writing instruments, art supplies can be recycled

TerraCycle BIC Include USA
CUMBERLAND — BIC has partnered with TerraCycle to offer consumers a free way to recycle their fully used pens, mechanical pencils, markers and other stationery products and parts of packaging. For every shipment of used stationery products sent to TerraCycle, collectors earn points that can be donated to a school or charitable organization of their choice.   “As families spend more time writing, drawing and coloring together, we want to provide them with a responsible way to dispose of their products once they are used. Our collection program with TerraCycle gives consumers a simple way to recycle their writing instruments and art supplies to make a difference in the world,” said Mary Fox, North American general manager for BIC.   Consumers can send in all brands of pens, markers, mechanical pencils, highlighters, glue sticks, watercolor dispensers and paint sets to be recycled for free. Sign up at https://www.terracycle.com/bic and mail in the used items using a prepaid shipping label. Once collected, the waste is cleaned and melted into hard plastic that is remolded to make new recycled products. The program is open to any individual, school, office or community organization.