Woodland Ave. School in Morris Twp. wins grant

TerraCycle Include USA Walmart Trash to Cash
MORRIS TWP. ‑ Woodland Avenue School’s Green Team was given a $10,000 grant award as  winners of the “Trash to Cash Collection Contest” sponsored by the Walmart Foundation and TerraCycle, part of $125,000 in school grants the foundation is handing out.   The contest was free and open to all New Jersey public schools. The schools that raised the most money through TerraCycle's Brigade programs.  The contest began Oct. 1 and ran until Dec. 15. Combined 448 schools in New Jersey helped divert over 1.6 million pieces of packaging in fewer than three months. Walmart Foundation partnered with TerraCycle in order to encourage more schools to get involved in the Brigade program, a socially and environmentally beneficial fund-raising and educational initiative that pays schools to recycle. The hope was that by adding the additional incentive of schools grants, schools would collect more waste, diverting as much non-recyclable material as possible from landfill. "We are extremely pleased with the level of participation in the Trash to Cash Collection Contest,” Jennifer Hoehn, senior manager of Public Affairs for Walmart said. “During a period of just over two months, TerraCycle and Walmart successfully diverted over 1.6 million pieces of waste with the help of New Jersey Brigade participants increasing collections by almost 200 percent during the contest.” For more information, go to www.terracycle.net <http://www.terracycle.net> .