Where should you put your butt? In the can

TerraCycle Include USA Cigarette Recycling Program
FLORENCE — The mayor is asking residents to take some care where they put their butts.
Cigarette butts, that is.
Mayor Steve Holt is experimenting with a way to reduce the number of cigarette butts dropped on sidewalks.
They differ from ordinary receptacles in two ways. One, they are bolted to the pavement and can only be opened with a key. Two, when the receptacles are full, the butts will be mailed to a company that converts them to a form of plastic for other uses.
The filters are sterilized, shredded and melted for use by industries interested in raw materials for recycled products.
"I've been watching people around City Hall, and they are using them," Holt said. "I'm really pleased. I hope we can make some inroads with them."
Cigarette filters contain toxins which can leach into the ground and waterways when dropped on the pavement. A butt can remain intact for years, unlike organic materials.
"I think what caught David and Rachel's attention is that there is not a place to put butts," he said.
"The first problem we needed to solve was to find people a place to put their butts," Koonce said. "It's easy for people to just flick them."
Five receptacles have been mounted around the two government buildings, Koonce said, and several have been ordered for the gas and electricity departments. The boxes, which are stainless steel, cost $100 each.
"We can gather a box full and mail them to Teracycle," he said. "We don't make any money on them, but we get rid of them. Otherwise, they would wash down a storm drain and eventually into the river.
The Recycling Department has applied for a grant from Keep America Beautiful to install more of the receptacles on city property, he said.
"Private businesses and individuals can contact us about the boxes, or about buying them," Koonce said. "Anyone can use them."