What Happens When a Reusable is No Longer Usable?

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
When was the last time you bought a single use water bottle? Ok, how long before that! For many of you, carrying a water bottle has become routine. And how many reusable bags do you own, and actually use? I'm guessing at least two. And your lunch, what's it get carried in? For an increasing number, it's something that isn't going in the trash when you're done. Yes, for an increasingly wide spectrum of the population, making sustainable choices in your life is an everyday occurrence, no longer confined to hippies and environmentalists. And yet there's a problem here. Reusables are not indestructible. What happens to that water bottle when it gets irreparably damaged? And that lunch container that now has a crack in it? That shopping bag looked great when you bought it...until the strap broke. For most reusable things out there, unless they're made of glass or aluminum, or one type of material that your local recycling services happens to process, there's nowhere for them to go but the dump or your attic, unless you happen to have a welding torch or be handy at sewing. It doesn't have to be that way.