What Good are 75 Hummers Worth of Juice Pouches?

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
As you may know, TerraCycle partners with the public in what we call Brigades to collect everything from wine corks to Sharpie pens, and most famously, Capri Sun juice packs. Each piece collected earns 2 cents donated to the charitable organization or school of people's choice. Astoundingly, we just reached $1 million paid to Drink Pouch brigaders! That's 50 million pouches. To put that in perspective, those pouches collectively weigh as much as 75 Hummers, stacked they'd be as tall as 807 Mount Everests, and laid out would cover 2x the size of our home state of New Jersey. All of that, not going to landfills, but instead being made into products whose useful life will last much longer than how long it took to drink the juice out of those pouches. And that's just 1 of 26 things we collect, making 186 products out of them. But what's even more amazing is the speed of which collection is happening is increasing.