What Do Lays Chip Bags And Classical Music Have In Common?

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
Even though it seems everyone has an iPod or MP3 player and is downloading music, traditional CD's are still a huge business. The jewel cases are made from a variety of plastics that break easily and are not easy recyclable; sooner or later most of them will end up in landfills. I’m excited to tell you about the world’s most eco-friendly CD case TerraCycle just created made from recycled, shredded chip bags! By compressing many layers together, it creates a sturdy material, much stronger than cardboard. We have already used this material to create clip boards which are sold at Office Max. They’re very colorful and unique; no two look the same. Talk about a double solution to keep non-recyclable waste out of landfills! First, we give new use to the waste chip bags, and by that use, new plastic CD cases don’t need to be created. And yes, TerraCycle will take the used CD cases back and turn them into some other product.