Trashy TV Takes On a Whole New Meaning

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
Reality shows have taken over television, like a virus or a breath of fresh air, depending on your perspective. And we're about to add to that mix with Garbage Moguls. But first, I'd like to pay homage to Planet Green. Love it or lump it, it has done more, earlier than any other media outlet to bring green thinking, living and acting to the masses. Rather than consign green minded TV to the dusty DVD collections of hippies low budget environmentalist skewed programs, Planet Green took the lead to make it appealing, useful, relevant and yes, sexy. Nothing wrong with a little sex appeal to grease the gears, I say! Alter Eco is a prime example. Adrian Grenier (of Entourage fame) has proven to be a visible, committed advocate of living greener, and this show sees him with a team of people doing both lifestyle and home makeovers. Sure, for some of you that's eye roll inducing. For many others, it speaks their language and gets them in the conversation, which is the point here.