Trash for cash program aids ‘green’ Berlin

TerraCycle plastics General Brigades fertilizer Include USA
Winte learned about TerraCycle, a company that pays for trash and makes items out of it, about two years ago and started saving some of the acceptable items last spring. At about the same time, she started talking to other people about it and was led to Grow Berlin Green, the nonprofit that will benefit from the sales proceeds of trash collection. TerraCycle will send checks to Grow Berlin Green to pay for the items deposited in the containers at the park. When she accumulates enough of any one item, she will mail it to TerraCycle. The pay is not much, about 2 cents per item, and many items must be accumulated. For example, TerraCycle pays 2 cents each for 500 empty drink pouches for a grand total of $10. For some other items, like candy wrappers, the sender is told to fill a provided box, but is not told how many should be sent. Boxes or bags for mailing the items are provided. Pre-paid postage labels are also provided.