Top 5 Ways to Green Your Boarding School

school TerraCycle ziploc Include USA
Terracycle Brigades Terracycle is a wonderful organization that partners with schools to “upcycle” juice pouches and food wrappers. School and non-profit groups receive “cash for [their] trash” when they send in the required materials. The great thing about this program is that it’s easy to get started. There are Terracycle Brigades, and you register for the one you want to focus on. One of the parents at our school started with collecting drink pouches from kids. If you decide to participate in a brigade, you’ll need to provide incentives for kids to bring in what you’re collecting. Set up a system that works for you, like setting up a bin in the cafeteria specifically for drink pouches. Each week, give a small prize to students who bring in drink pouches in a Ziploc bag labeled with their names. If you want to boost your collection, seek out businesses that may already be collecting the items you’re looking for. Our Terracycle parent found out that a local party place for kids was willing to donate juice pouches to our school as long as someone picked them up. That’s easy “cash for your trash”!