Tom's of Maine Greens Schools
TerraCycle tom szaky Include USA Tom's of Maine
The Tom’s of Maine “Green Your School Fund” is investing in kids and asking for consumers’ help in determining the most creative environmental projects submitted by educators nationwide by voting daily on through Oct. 17, 2016.
More than 250 projects from 40 states were submitted and a panel of judges—musician and actor Kevin Jonas; enterprise editor and senior reporter at The Huffington Post, Kate Sheppard; CEO of TerraCycle, Tom Szaky; 2016 National Teacher of the Year, Jahana Hayes; and founder of the I am the Maven blog, Kerri Jablonski—chose the 10 most creative ideas as finalists.
The project that receives the most votes will receive $25,000 in funding to turn their project into a reality. Second place and third place winners will receive $15,000 and $10,000 respectively and seven honorable mention projects will receive $2,000 each.
The fund is also distributing more than $900,000 to classrooms across the country.