Tipi Colley Miller: Community exhibits spirit of recycling

TerraCycle Include USA
At Opelika Middle School, permanent recycling containers have been purchased through the generosity of Opelika City Council President Eddie Smith. Again, one key component to recycling is making the collection point accessible to everyone. These divided containers are located in three main corridors of the school. Student collections will include a variety of items to send to Terracycle for reimbursement. These items include candy wrappers, chip bags, Kraft cheese wrappers, drink pouches and writing utensils. Items are sorted and counted by students, mailed to Terracycle (which also pays the shipping), and this company reimburses the school for the commodities received. The key administrator of the program at Opelika Middle School is Project Grow sponsor Kristin White. The money received from Terracycle will be used to grow the recycling program at OMS.