Time to Stop Waiting For Others to Teach Our Kids Eco Literacy

TerraCycle Cloud Institute Include USA
Where in this is environmental education? In most cases, non existent. This is a problem—How can we expect the children of today to be capable stewards of our troubled planet when they don't have the basic knowledge of what's going on, what their role is, and what they can do? That's why I'm really proud to have launched the free TerraCycle Curriculum <http://www.terracycle.net/curriculums/overview> , with a lot of help from the preeminent sustainability education designer Cloud Institute <http://www.sustainabilityed.org/> . What is it? Well let me start with what it's not: Another rehashing of the basics of, let's face it, how to be a "better consumer." Don't get me wrong, of course I'm in support of more people making greener purchase choices, recycling, using CFLs, etc. But that's being covered everywhere you look these days, in all manner of media. What kids need is a solid foundation of environmental knowledge, that can be applied in the rest of their lives—From where they live, play and work, to what they create at work and then what they do with it at the end of its useful life. From there, they can apply it to help shape the world in a positive way, rather then feeling like a victim of it.