These Beauty Brands Recycle Your Empties (And Reward You For It)

TerraCycle Garnier Include USA
Remember that old rule you learned in elementary school on Earth Day? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (in that order!) still holds true, and your beauty collection is a great place to focus those energies. So first, KonMari your routine. (Whitney put together a handy guide for donating fashion and beauty items you haven't used, check it out!) Then, consider repurposing your empty jars into planters, as in the photo above, or your empty Diptyque candle holders into makeup brush storage, à la every single person on Instagram. And finally, recycle all of those empties! The good news is that it's pretty much never been easier to do so, and there are plenty of beauty brands that will help you (and even reward your efforts). Garnier Garnier partnered with TerraCycle for a recycling program that allows people to send back their empties — including shampoo caps, conditioner caps, hair gel tubes and caps and hair spray triggers — with free shipping.