The need for a travel agent is becoming stronger

TerraCycle Include USA
TerraCycle, a Trenton, New Jersey-based waste management consulting firm, has 105 employees, 20 of whom travel. Of those 20, five are "highly intense" travelers, says TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky. Some of Szaky’s traveling workers use websites like Kayak and Orbitz, but many turn to a few select employees within the company to handle elaborate arrangements. These employees have proven to be standouts when it comes to managing complex flying, and now act as de facto, in-house travel agents. One such employee is TerraCylce chief administrative officer Ricahrd Perl, the second most frequent traveler at the company. He has flown between 50,000 and 100,000 miles a year for the past 25 years. "I usually do better than travel agents," Perl reveals regarding his ability to book cheap flights. The main advantage to handling his and fellow employees' travel is that he has an intimate understanding of each person's travel preferences and busy schedule. There is no added value in using a travel agent, he says.