Terracycle Takes the Trash Inside...Our New Office

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
Terracycle has always been a company with a trashy reputation, what with our reusing everything from soda bottles to Ziploc bags. Millions of people have been collecting these things, and we've made them into all manner of products. But that wasn't enough. We decided it's time to turn our upcycling expertise (okay, gregarious bumbling!) on ourselves: Nearly every bit of our office interior is now made from upcycled materials. And we wanted you to be among the first to see it. You hear about countertops and surfaces being made from recycling glass and other such things. But how about turning a door on its side, and making it a desk? Great, now how to hold it up? We found an interesting source: Some of our material comes directly from companies: outdated packaging, etc. The core of these big rolls of sheets of material have got great legs to stand on. Stacks of kitty litter buckets also serve as a sturdy foundation.