Terracycle & Sprout Babyfood Giveaway!!

TerraCycle Sprout Include USA
You all may remember a fabulous company I stumbled across last summer, Terracyle. Terracycle was founded in 2001 and is currently one of the fast growing eco-friendly manufacturers in the world. What exactly IS TerraCycle you ask? In a nutshell, TerraCycle makes cool stuff from your trash. Seriously. I am absolutely in love with this company. Their mission is to eliminate waste by taking what others deem trash and turning it into affordable, eco-friendly items for purchase. Brilliant! Here are just some of the innovative items you can purchase thanks to TerraCycle: pencil cases made from Chips Ahoy packaging, backpacks made from drink pouches, kites made from Skittles packaging, laptop cases made from juice pouches and 3 ring binders made from chip bags. We have a pencil case and lunch bag which we use all the time.