TerraCycle Speaker Review & Boom Box Giveaway

TerraCycle TerraCycle speakers Include USA
Hi 2Boys+1Girl=OneCrazyMom readers, Teen here and I thought I’d do a review and host a giveaway for you guys…. If you know, us Americans throw away more than 1,460 pounds of trash per person per year and to think that’s just one person, now think around 300 million people times 1460 pounds equal around 4,380,000,000 pounds a day and that’s low end estimates there are more people in America and more than 6 billion in the world. The United States produces more than 25% of all trash in the world. We recycle only 2% or less of our trash, that’s pathetic! I found a great company called TerraCycle and they are on the right track with “upcycling” it not only reduces waste but reuses things we have used previously and turns them into objects that we could use for days to come. I’ve been looking for portable speakers for a while, when I’m with my friends or outside practicing soccer skills, I need speakers that are easy to move around unlike other speakers that are big, bulky and need to be plugged in or run on batteries.