TerraCycle Goes Global, Rides the Big Business Wave to Brazil

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
This week, TerraCycle officially launched in Brazil! The new global launch comes just six months after launching with Frito-Lay in the US, and now the expansion into Brazil - with other countries to follow - makes an important point: Big business isn't always a bad guy. In fact, it can help small business grow via sustainability. The news came to me from an e-mail from Carlos, a representative of Pepsico Brazil: "Breaking news.... the PepsiCo / TerraCycle Brazil project is up and running. The displays are in 59 WalMart stores in São Paulo, Curitiba and Recife. Above a photo of the store we visited yesterday. In this particular store we have a TV screen with a 45-sec video with the story. I’ll post it on YouTube in a few minutes. Thank you for sharing the passion in making this happen. Let’s celebrate!" This launch marks the first step in TerraCycle's efforts to go global. The next steps include launching with national programs in Canada, Mexico and the UK later this year. All this news comes with a major realization to me. A realization that I think all of us that are dedicated to the green movement can be a part of. While we typically spend our time critizing big businesses, especially global conglomerates. I can stand here as a witness and tell you that if you come up with a big idea that does good and fulfills the goals of one of these corporations they will do everything in their power to embrace the idea and make it huge.