TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigrade Program

capri-sun school TerraCycle kraft foods Include USA
Congratulations to TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigrade Program  <http://www.terracycle.net/> - they have save 50 million pouches from being put in landfills and contributed a MILLION dollars to schools and non-profit organizations! The Capri Sun beverage brand was one of the earliest supporters of TerraCycle, a company that collects would-be trash and turns it into  useful items.  The collection program, called the "Drink Pouch Brigade,"  takes place mostly in schools, where children choose to deposit used  pouches in special receptacles rather than throw them away.  In  participating schools, each used drink pouch collected and sent to  TerraCycle earns two cents, with the funds going toward needed  educational programs and resources.  Does your school participate in this program?  If so, let us know.  Together, students and teachers at over 30,000 schools nationwide have  collected 50 million drink pouches for the program over the past two  years resulting in the 1 million dollars milestone donation!  AMAZING!