TerraCycle Develops a Way to Recycle Cigarette Butts

TerraCycle Include USA Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company
From worm poop to cigarette butts. When you really think about it, there is a connection. They’re both disgusting, the sorts of things you would not want to touch, and the quantities of them are astronomical. For a Trenton-based recycling company named TerraCycle, which made its name selling worm-generated fertilizer, there’s a potential gold mine in cigarette butts. TerraCycle has found a way to recycle cigarette butts into plastic lumber, pallets, bins and ashtrays. A house, for example, could be framed from the recycled material. Through its Cigarette Waste Brigade program, launched last month, TerraCycle collects discarded cigarettes, melts the filters and mixes the material with other recyclables to create plastic pellets, which are then used to create industrial products.