Terracycle Bird Feeder & Wormfood

TerraCycle Include USA
During the summer I enjoy working in my yard. I try to cultivate my own organic herbs, fruits and veggies. Not only does this save money by raising my own small plot, I know my bounty has not been treated with chemical pesticides or fertilizers. I soon discovered I had a problem with no using fertilizers. Most of my plants were short and scraggly. I asked my elderly neighbor, who has a beautiful array of flowers and a small garden plot, his secret. It turned out to be fresh manure from his brother's farm. While I envied his plants, shoveling manure was not an option I wanted to explore. Instead, I turned to Terracycle's All Purpose Fertilizer. Terracycle products are the brainchild of Tom Szaky, who came up with the brilliant mission to upcycle and recycle traditionally non-recyclable waste (including drink pouches, chip bags, tooth brushes and many more) into a large variety of consumer products. They have several "waste brigades" which allow people to send in their trash and be paid for it. How awesome is that? The All Purpose Fertilizer is made from liquefied worm poop, nature's premiere fertilizer. It sounds gross, but it works well.